Overcast and damp ....

20th January 2021 (Wednesday)     08.00.... As far as I can see (and that

isnae very far) it looks like being an overcast and damp day;  a computer day.    I’ll go for the paper in the middle of the morning.... right now ... yep.... I’m going to have another cuppa.... before the paper  run.

15.30    I went for the paper (in the car) and met George and Jock.   The three of us discussed how lucky Honor was, being married to Jock and knowing George and me!   How lucky can one girl be!   (They answer to that is .... ‘very’).

I have been watching the TV most of today owning to the fact that the weather is kind of damp;  I’m settling down to watch (and celebrate) the inauguration of President Biden as 46th President of the United States of America, in about an hour. 

20 30    My word we have had a wet day;  I never got to the beach.... in fact I only went as far as the back door to feed ‘Blob’ occasionally.  I did some work on the computer, watched an old Sherlock Holmes film, followed by President Biden’s inauguration. 

American ‘ceremonial’ is completely different to ours;   it’s almost like they are making an extravagant, 1960’s, musical.    Strange way of doing things, but then everywhere is different.   At the end of the ceremony the USA had a new President (and the West a new ‘Leader’) and that’s really what mattered;  and it all happened peacefully.   (For eleven minutes the USA had two Presidents, as the timing of the event went a bit askew).  Thankfully the 45th President is now ‘a Former President’.... and the whole world can heave a sigh of relief.

There could be interesting clouds tomorrow as we are forecast to have ‘sleet showers with a moderate breeze’.   It’s the bits in between the showers that matter to us;   they could be sunny spells!.... so I hope to get to the beach tomorrow.   I think it’s supposed to be colder;  the gritter went down Ferry Road earlier.

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