Bonnie sunries ....

17th January 2021 (Sunday)     18.30.... I didn’t realise that I hadn’t put up

today’s Hutte ‘news’;  not that there is very much happening, that’s different nowadays.... but there’s always the weather...!   Actually I have been busy today.    I did go to the beach to catch the sunrise, but, so that I wouldn’t miss Tesco I decided that I’d start to come home at sunrise (08.32), which meant I’d be back in Ivy in plenty of time.     That plan worked perfectly;  I was back home in by 09.10 and the Tesco delivery man arrived at 10.01.   By the time the messages were in their various cupboards etc. and I’d browsed the photos I got this morning it was nearly lunch time.   That reminds me I have still to watch today’s kirk service.... I was too busy to catch it at 11.00.

After lunch I decided to take the car for a run to warm it up.   I had the camera with me but didn’t bother to stop as I’d decided that I’d go for a walk, to the ‘Pony Field’, when I got home,   That ‘plan’ would become operational after a cuppa.

There was a chilly wind blowin’ by the time I got to the Pony Field and the sky was clouding over so I didn’t hang about.    There was a golfer coming down the second so I hung back, thinking it was a visitor:  with hindsight I think it was actually John (Bowers).  I was glad to get back into Ivy.

I’m going to have a hot chocolate and watch today’s kirk service;  I missed it at 11.00 ‘cos I was in ‘major flap on’ mode at that time.   Tesco etc.

22.30     Joyful me ... I’ve had a hectic (by my standards) day;  however it has been enjoyable.   The worst thing about ‘lockdown’ is subconscious stress brought on by Coronavirus being constantly in our minds.    When I can get out with the camera, I almost forget all about the crisis, but even then I have to remember the two metre rule;   even when I’m doing research on the computer, or when I’m doing something interesting,

John on the third.

the rules are in the back of your mind all the time.   At least, with the vaccine programme speeding up, there is light at the end of the tunnel.   and Spring isn’t far away:  having said that, snow was mentioned in the weather forecast ... for the end of this week.   

It’s forecast to be a decent day tomorrow;  I might get the bike out if it isn’t too windy and cold.

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