Bonnie morning ....

9th January 2021 (Saturday)    08.00 .... It looks like being a bonnie

day.... though there is red in the morning sky (I am going to the beach after I have another cuppa).    Sunrise is at 08.40, the tide is half way in there’s a light WNW breeze... and it’s frosty.    Lovely morning for going out.  

11.30     We had a bonnie sunrise but my word it was cold... though fine in the lee of the dunes.    There’s a rawness in the wind that we didn’t have yesterday... and light cloud has moved in and is now taking the warmth out of the sun, so the early morning could turn out to be the best part of the day by the look of it.   Orf to put the kettle ‘on’ .... again.

20.00    There was red in the sky at sunset time but the forecast for tomorrow isn’t that exciting;   ‘light cloud with a moderate breeze’ .... and slightly warmer.    I eventually went up to Elie to pick up my prescription, then home by way of Kinneuchar.    The path up to the kirk (Kinneuchar) was a sheet of ice but it was fine walking on the grass.    I didn’t have to ‘social distance’;   there wisnae anyone to social distance with.   Kinneuchar was quiet.

Kinneuchar kirk.

I contemplated going for a walk, up to the Pony Field in the afternoon but it was too cold:  strangely enough, by sunset time the air was warmer..... but not much.  I went down to photograph the High Street 15 minutes after sunset.

The worst thing about ‘lockdown’ is not being able to meet and talk to anyone inside.     Folk, living on their own, must find it hard.    Not that I like talking of course;  but I miss sitting having a  chat to someone over a mug of coffee.   I haven’t over conversed today, but being a quiet, shy kind of person, I suppose that’s normal.   However .... I do sometimes worry aboot my tongue muscles!

What’s the plan for ‘ra morra’?    Well .... if it is warmer and the streets clear of icy bits I

Earlsferry High Street.

may... just may ... get the bike out.   I don’t think it’s supposed to rain.... and I fancy a run round the villages.   I am allowed to do that for exercise;  I could even go as far as Balcarres for exercise, but won’t be doing that until there’s a big improvement in the weather.

I have slowly been eating, reading and wearing my way through the Christmas presents.   Regarding reading....  I am a busy boy ....creepin’ aboot subterranean Edinburgh.   .

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