Rabbie Burns anniversary ....


25th January 2021 (Monday)    

.... but pleasures are like poppies spread,

You seize the flower, its bloom is shed,

Or like the snow-fall in the river –

A moment white – then melts forever.

                           Robert Burns – Tam O’ Shanter.


10.00    I have had a walk to and along the beach, on what is a really gorgeous and peaceful morning....but there’s a cool air.   It was so peaceful.... and a few folk came out to enjoy it.

262 years ago today ‘The Bard’ Rabbie Burns was born .... I imagine there will, be a Burns Supper on the tele tonight.   The lines above are from one Tam O’ Shanter,.... a ‘must do at all Burn’s Suppers.

20.30    Today is the furthest that I have travelled in the car since, the first Coronavirus lockdown began;   to the Adamson Hospital in Cupar to have my PSA blood test taken.    The journey was uneventful.... until I joined Back Lebanon street in Cupar;  there was a sign with ‘Road Closed’ on it!    I thought,.... ‘no, Fife Council wouldn’t close the road to the hospital, without showing a diversion’, so on I went.... and came to a queue of cars waiting at temporary traffic lights.    The lights were at a bend on the road, so we couldn’t see the other end of the road works.    Five minutes later a lady comes walking

through from the other end to look at our light:   both lights were at ‘Red’;  (safer than if they had both been at ‘Green’).  She waved her husband.... and the others through, then our side went through.    I got the hospital, and was ‘in and out’ in five minutes.    The lights were still at ‘red’ when I reached them on the way out of Cupar.    Apart from that, the roads were quiet.    There had been a lot of snow at Peat Inn, and the pot holes were all in the right places;  I’d say that I actually enjoyed today’s run out in the car.

The Volkswagen doesn’t freewheel as good as my other cars;  it stopped on the wee incline before Pitcorthie House.    In the other cars I could ‘freewheel’, from just south of the Lathallan turn off to Robin Gray’s cottage!   It’s exciting being ‘me’.

I had a cuppa when I arrived back home then had a quick wander to the beach at sunset

time.    It was a bonnie sunset.... not spectacular but peaceful and bonnie.   It was good seeing folk walking on the beach.

No ‘plan’ for tomorrow;   the weather is supposed to be cloudier with ‘a chance of precipitation’.... and slightly warmer. 


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