Majestic clouds .....

30th January 2021 (Saturday)      09.30 .... My word;   it was absolutely

fantastical on the beach this morning....  at sunrise time.    I never saw the actual sunrise.... why? .... because it took place behind a bank of clouds.   It was the clouds that had me in state of excitement.    Or could ‘excitement’ be a symptom of the vaccine?    No .... it was the clouds;  they were and still are, dramatic.    Oh, there are showers around but I was lucky and was off the beach before the shower I’d been keeping my eye on arrived.   There’s a cold North-easterly wind so I had a hot shower as soon as I got in;   followed by a cuppa.   I’m now going to have my breakfast while browsing the photos I got.

12.30    I have calmed down after the excitement of this morning:  since then I have browsed the photographs (all 196 of them), dumped around about 30, had a series of cuppas and done an ironing.  I am now well ready for lunch chicken casserole, which is in the oven and should be ready in half an hour or so.

I’m not sure if I’ll get out on the bike.... it could be cauld on the lugs.    I’ll see how the showers are after lunch.   In point of fact I am quite keen on doing the same walk as I did yesterday afternoon.   I’ll see how I feel after lunch .... and after having ‘50’.

19.00   It has been a bonnie day for clouds;  unfortunately some of them deposited ‘precipitation’ on the way over, but, on both times that I was out, I kept an eye on the weather, and was back home before any showers.   My local photograph collection has been boosted, on what was a brilliant day for ‘boosting’ photograph collections.    If the weather goes to ‘plan’ we are going to have hard frost tonight;  and it’s going to ‘mostly sunny and cold’ tomorrow.... a good day for wrapping up and going out and about.  

With the clouds still looking good I went to the beach at sunset time:  the beach was busy... which is amazing for this time of year.    Normally I’d have the beach, more or less to myself, from New Year through to half term, and then again from half term to Easter.   I know that communities are in a continual state of changing, but the speed of change, since the Coronavirus arrived in the UK, had been astronomical.   Probably the biggest change is the fact that Earlsferry is now a vibrant community.... and I can meet and chat to neighbours.   And yet; sometimes I get a mild shot of the feeling that I had when Maggie suddenly died;

absolutely ‘lost’... change is happening so fast.   It will be good to be able to meet and chat normally (without worrying about the two metres ‘rool’ etc.) when this crisis is over.

Plan for tomorrow?    Well.... we’re going to have bonnie day so I’ll get ‘up’ early and wander along for the paper, then wander back to Ivy to ‘play’ with the latest additions to the ‘Owlbert Collection’.   

21.30    We’ve had a few showers this evening and it isn’t frosty .... though there is a yellow warning out for ice tomorrow morning.    That’s why I’ll walk (or take the car) along for the paper.    This has been an enjoyable day for me and I’m looking forward to another interesting day tomorrow.   Right now it’s bedtime.

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