Lovely morning ....

16th January 2021 (Saturday)      11.00.... It was magical on the beach this

morning;  it wisnae one of those spectacular sunrises etc, but the sky was something else... as was the ambience... it was a morning for the camera.   I took a few photos ... which will keep me occupied for the remainder of the morning.    When I first went out (at 06.30) it was raining and I didn’t think I would be out first thing.... however, by 07.45 the  rain had stopped and I had a most enjoyable hour on the beach.    I don’t walk that far so I guess from an exercise point of view it’s not much use.... but my happy vibes go off the scale.    I’m wondering if I’ll get the bike out after lunch?.... right now it’s coffee time.

17.00    I feel ‘rested’ after a quiet day on the computer and watching the tele.    I don’t often watch television, especially during the day, but ‘The Nun’s Story’ (Audrey Hepburn) was on Channel 2 and I remembered that the camera work on that film was excellent..... and the story wisnae that bad.   I’ll browse the Tele Channels to see if there’s anything worth watching this evening;  failing that I’ll get on with the work.

21.30   I travelled from Auckland to Wellington by train earlier this evening ..... then got on with the ‘work’.   Once again I am in a state o’ excitement, but I’ll calm down once I have my ‘orlicks.... the train passed through Otaki and then stopped at Paraparaumu so we could visit Kapiti Island.  

Since then I have done some research;   research takes me a million miles away from the Coronavirus problems.   ‘JB’ phoned this evening so I have caught up with all the Sussex news .... which, like ours, is all about the Coronavirus crisis.

I plan to go out early tomorrow morning but only to the beach as I have a Tesco delivery between ten and eleven o’clock.   Actually I might leave going to the beach until after Tesco has been;  in case I get diverted!    If it’s a bonnie morning (the forecast is good), with me enjoying a session with the camera, a Tesco delivery would be the last thing on my mind.

I’ve had an enjoyable day in spite of the crisis;  but I’ll be glad to get back to visiting

‘arbour ‘ouse for morning coffee.    This having to ‘think’ before I do anything is not my usual way of doing things:  thinking usually happens after I’ve made mistakes!    

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