Bonnie sky day ....

5th January 2021 (Tuesday)     08.30      ‘My word .... it was wet bleak when

I first looked out so I had a shower:    it was still bleak when I looked out after having a shower.     I’m thinking of hibernating today, which is going to be overcast with sleet showers and going straight to Wednesday   .... ‘sunny with a light breeze’.   It’s raining just now so no beach at sunrise time this morning.    Having said that the sky should begin to clear soon  and give us a few blue patches, so it’s not all doom and gloom:  there might even be a sunny spell or two.    I’m still feeling romantic.....! 

17.00    I had a funny dream last night;   it wisnae ‘funny’, as in laughable.... just queer.   The dream: ..... my car had rolled down and bumped into the boot of the car in front.... but in the end it was the car behind me that had rolled down and burst open my boot revealing an untidy car boot.  (Note to me;  must tidy up the boot).    Anyway, it woke me up and I couldn’t get back to sleep so ended up reading my book, at 03.00 in the morning;   and feeling tired all day today.   Did fall asleep in front of the tele in the afternoon (nae surprise there), but I’m looking for a good night’s sleep tonight.

In the morning I’d taken the car along to Elie to pick up the paper (I’m falling out with the Scotsman) and go to the surgery to pick up a sample bottle.    My annual hypertension appointment is still on for tomorrow.    My BP is not quite through the roof but somewhere among the rafters.   (I have one of those machines for reading BP).... e.g this morning’s reading was 153/90.  

After not watching the tele I thought I’d better go to the beach for a wee bit exercise;    I’d only reached the beach when a shower bumbled its way over.   I’ve not had the best of luck today:  I shall definitely remember to have my Horlicks at bedtime (I forgot last night).

21.30   The forecast is excellent for tomorrow.... sunny with a light West wind, but cold. 

   The only thing I have on tomorrow is the BP appointment at the surgery.    I should get out sometime in the middle of the day.... when the sun will be at it’s warmest.

I’ve had my Horlicks and am looking forward to a good (and unbroken) night’s sleep.


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