First Coronavirus 'jab' .....

27th January 2021 (Wednesday)      07.30 ....  The sky is overcast but it’s not

raining, though it has been by the look of the road;   so we could have some light showers.   I’m hoping that it stays dry, so that I can bike to the surgery, the harbour, and to pick up the paper(s).

08.30     Having checked the weather forecast, on the BBC site, I see that ‘Sod’s Law’ has cut in:   the hour that I hope to go out on the bike,.... is the one hour that has the highest chance of rain today!   

15.30    I imagine everyone that has had their first shot of the Coronavirus vaccine feels, like me, relieved that we have finally reached the tunnel and will exit the other end within twelve weeks.   When you think about it;   it’s a marvellous achievement by the scientists to have got this far in one year. 

With the weather being 'iffy', I took the car up to Elie and walked to the surgery from there, via the harbour.   Actually I didn’t get to the harbour as it started to rain, so I went under the Ship Inn garden cover for a few minutes before wandering up to the surgery.   You aren’t allowed to drive until 15 minutes after you get the ‘jab’.   (I’m calling it a ‘jab’ but quite frankly I didn’t feel it at all).   There’s not much to look at from the surgery car park which is why I left the car at the Toll Green  and walk to the surgery.   I’m a happy bunny.

After lunch I got the bike out, with the intention of going to Chapel Green;   it began to spit rain so the bike was taken back up to The Hutte and that ‘plan’ promptly terminated.   That’s the bike away for the remainder of the day.... and tomorrow too, if he forecast I just saw is correct.    And it will be. 

  21.00    This has been a ‘lazy’ day..... but a really pleasurable one: having had the first

dose of vaccine is one major step on the way to normality.   I feel a much happier boy tonight than I have done for the past... well.... year really.   I imagine everyone l who has had the first dose of vaccine will feel the same. 

 I have no ‘plan’ for tomorrow:  the weather will dictate what I do.... and the forecast isn’t good:  however I have plenty to do on the computer so I won’t be bored.

I’m going to make my bedtime mug chocolate ‘orlicks, then check the tele to see if there’s anything I fancy watching.   If not it will be an early night in bed;   and I’ll have a ‘sleep in’ tomorrow morning!

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