Touch of frost ....

24th January 2021 (Sunday)      07.00..... it’s going to be another bonnie

day;  at the moment it’s frosty (-3c) so the pavements are going to be slippery and will be even in the middle of the day, where they don’t get the sun;  at its warmest, the temperature is only going up to 3c, but there’s hardly any wind (W) so no wind chill.   Enjoy your day.

17.00   I did the same walk as yesterday.... and I went for the paper as planned....but didn’t go to the harbour;  instead I came home by way of Kinneuchar.    There was a queue at the paper shop but it didn’t last long.   Mr ‘B’ was telling me that you can get batteries for an I-pad at the ‘paper shop’;   that means I could probably get one for my bathroom scales.

The frost never lifted, where it wasn’t getting hit by the sun, so the bike was never out.     Anyway, by the time I’d sorted out the photos I took this morning it was lunch time so I reckoned that I had enough photographs for today.   ‘Jane Eyre’ was on the tele in the afternoon so I settled down to watch that.    They cut out a lot of what is in the book, but what they did do was accurate.

I have an appointment at Cupar (Adamson Hospital) tomorrow and that will be the main part of tomorrow’s ‘plan’.   It’s for a blood test, but that’s all I know.  No doubt someone at Cupar will know what it is about.

19.30    The gritter went down the road earlier so we’re going to have another frosty night.... and slippery pavements tomorrow.     My trip to Cupar isn’t until the middle of the day so the roads should be fine by then.... though there will be plenty of snow around Peat Inn I imagine.   Normally I wouldn’t be bothered about a trip to Cupar but under the present ‘rools’ I am slightly stressed.    I’ll be happy once I’m on my way home.

I met Kirsty when I went for the paper and caught up with some of her ‘News’.... then

met Mr ‘B’ as he came out of the shop.     Normally I hardly see anyone.

I’m orf to see if there’s anything I fancy watching of the tele now;   if not I’ll do some typing.

21.00    It’s hard to imagine, but the Clydesdale horse is in danger of disappearing from the land of its origin, due to inbreeding.    Efforts are being made to save it by bring in horses from overseas (Canada and the USA etc) to strengthen the gene pool.    So I did find an interesting programme to watch.


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