Dreich morning ....

28th January 2021 (Thursday)      08.30 .... (Moan) Welllll ....we a have

really miserable morrrrrrrning;  ‘BJ’ is coming to Scotland, spreading the Southeast variant of how loved we are by the likes of him, Farage and all the other Brexiteers.   I daresay he will be on our 'News' Channels....  all day, along with  .DRoss and all the usual  sycophants:  I must remember to avoid the News Channels.    Oh ..... I absolutely disagree with someone, aye even the Prime Minister,  travelling from the Southeast for a politically motivated visit at this time.   The weather is dreich too.   Moan over.

I am feeling fine this morrrrrrrning;   I do have slightly sore muscles around the arms, neck shoulders, which is one of the symptoms you can expect after the ‘jab’.   This has surprised me ‘cos I didn’t think I had any muscles left!   Otherwise I feel ‘playful’    It will be a day of computer work and finding something to watch on the tele (other than the News).

10.00    I’ve been for the paper.... and down to the harbour and, although it’s raining...  it isn’t heavy.... and it’s not cold.  On the way up from the harbour I stopped at the Ship Inn, to take advantage of their garden being covered, to get a few photos!    Perfect.

14.00    It has been a damp day so far;  every time I go the door to see if it’s raining .... it is;   so no walk for me today.    I did find a couple of programmes to watch:  one called ‘The Islands of Fire’ and a ‘Foyle’s War’ (it’s set in Sussex) that I hadn’t seen.    Now I’m fired up and ready to work.    After a cuppa that is!

20.30    I have done a fair amount of work today..... in fact I’m happy with today’s efforts.    The ‘jab’ hasn’t affected me at all so far .... not any more than the normal flu ‘jab’.    I saw on the ‘News’ (yes.... I did end up having a look at the ‘News) that Germany has decided that the ‘Oxford’ vaccine should only be given to under 65’s.   Probably ‘sour grapes’ because the EU didn’t have the savvy to order early.... whereas

The 'Ship Inn'.

the  UK Government did.   Anyway I’m thankful that I got the jab yesterday.... and it was the ‘Oxford’ vaccine.    So Boris is my ‘pal’.... though I still object to him travelling up to Scotland (or anywhere) under the present ‘rools’.

The forecast isn’t good for tomorrow;   more rain at first though it should begin to clear away later in the afternoon.    Saturday will be a bike day!


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