Rain/sleet.... not bonnie

21st January 2021 (Thursday)      07.00 .... Hmmmm;  there’s wet snow lying

The original Earlsferry TH weathervane.

on top of the car but it’s not bonnie.... just plain dreich.    Not a morning for the beach though that should change by mid morning;   I’m actually hoping to get out on the bike if the spells between the showers are long ones.    It looks like being a kettle/computer day.

21.00    The mornin’ was computer/kettle but late afternoon was bright and sunny.... and cauld.    I got a lot of typing done this morning so I’ve actually had a busy and very satisfying day.   I managed to get out twice .... only as far as the beach and even then I stayed in toe lee of the shelter of the dunes.    I enjoyed both walks.

The car was up at Fife Auto (St Andrews) getting the brakes adjusted.      With us being in lockdown I had been wondering how I could get the car done, but Fife Auto solved the problem;  they asked one of their mechanics (from Anstruther) to pick up my car from the house, take it to St Andrews, do the job and bring it back at the end of his shift.    Perfect.  That took a load of my mind.    I normally use the Leven branch but under lockdown that was going to be impossible for me.   I’m a happy bunny.

I am tired tonight;   you would think working on the computer would be restful job, but it involves a lot of thinking.... and thinking is tiring.   The mechanic was coming for the car around eight o’clock and, even though I would be ‘up’ in plenty of time (06.00) I woke up almost every hour, on the hour, worrying about sleeping in.   I’m having my chocolate Horlicks as I type, so I ought to sleep well tonight.

With President Biden resident in the White House, the world has heaved a collective sigh of relief and we can begin to settle down, to more a more normal ty6pe of American diplomacy.   It was certainly different under the 45th President! 

The gritter went down the road earlier this evening so I guess we’re going to wake up to

a touch of frost tomorrow morning.   ‘Sunny intervals with a moderate breeze’ is the forecast;  I might do a washing.

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