Light snow shower(s) ....

 2nd January 2020 (Saturday)      07.30 .... when I first looked out this

morning I wondered what it was that was passing the window;  it was snowing.    It didn’t last long and it was only a short shower.... not even enough to make a snowball, but it was proper dry snow.   The weather forecast is good for today;  ‘sunny but cold,', with heavy snow showers and light winds in the early morning.   We’ve had the early morning snow shower.  

20.00    It may have been cold but it has been a bonnie day.     I went to the harbour and the beach in the morning.... both quiet.   There was a queue at the paper shop when I got to Elie so I did the harbour first;   then forgot that I hadn’t picked up a paper when I passed the ‘paper shop’ on the way home.    I am a silly boy.  Back at Ivy I had a mug of coffee then settled down to ‘Walk the Roman Roads of Britain’, on Channel 56.   It was well done and I found it very interesting;   funny how, after the Romans left, we went from straight roads to bendy ones ....and the Dark Ages.  

In the afternoon I went for a run up to Balcarres in the car:  at this time of year everything is ‘resting’ for the winter.... but snowdrops should be coming into flower soon.   I’ll have a walk up the Den from Robin Gray’s some day through the week;  the sun gets into the Den at this time of year with the trees being bare, and it is really warm being out of the wind.   

We’re to have ‘light rain showers and a gentle breeze’ tomorrow,  the gentle breeze is going to veer round to the Northeast so it will feel cold in the afternoon.   Bit like today really.   I don’t know what I’m going to do tomorrow;  I suppose it all depends on how windy and cold it is.   I’ll get ‘up’ at 06.30 (ish) and see what’s happening.   I have loads of things to do.... I fancy being creative and drawing something for some reason:  if it’s bitter cold that’s what I’ll be doing.   In fact I’ll stretch an A3 size watercolour page tonight and get it onto a drawing board.   Once that’s done I can draw whenever I want.

I’ve double checked the Bin Collection dates and it is the ‘Bloo Bin’ tomorrow

Balcarres Estate.

(Sunday).    The Grey one (paper) is going to be emptied on the 8th ... with the Brown and Blue bins both being emptied on the 15th:   but that could change.   You have to keep checking the Bin Collection web page.



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