Lovely morrrrrning with a touch of frost ....

19th January 2021 (Tuesday)      07.30 ....The Eastern sky is beginning to

light up (sunrise is at 08.29), there’s a touch of frost, ‘Blob’ has had his breakfast snack and I am on my second cuppa;   a nice start to ‘Today’.     The forecast is good though the sky should begin to cloud over about midday with sleet/rain arriving in the evening.   The ‘thing’ I saw in the mirrah this morrrrrning must be ‘in love’.....he looked ‘glaikit’;  and that was after having a shower!

10.00     I went to the harbour at sunrise time (there was never going to be a visible sunrise due to low cloud) and remembered to pick up the paper on the way home.    There’s only a light breeze this morning so it wasn’t cold at the harbour;   that said, it wisnae exactly warm.    I’m not sure about going out on the bike after the frost, but I’ll make that decision nearer midday.

Kinneuchar loch.

21.00    I’m feeling really content tonight;   I got the bike out and did the Elie estate run.    The estate road was muddy but not as bad as I thought it would be.... and only bad in three places.    I enjoyed that; it’s what I has been missing, from my ‘new normal’ routine, for the past few weeks.   Being overcast it actually hasn’t been the bonniest of days, but it wasn’t windy so not as cold as it might have been.     The loch has a thin layer of ice on it but the road was ice free .... until I got to Elie House when I had to be very careful.    The village streets were fine.   I put the bike battery on charge when I got back, but it’s unlikely that I will be out on the bike for the next couple of days if the weather forecasters have it right.    We are due to catch the edge of ‘Storm Christof’ and might get some sleet/snow showers.   The Midlands, of England, is going to suffer the worst of Storm Christof.

After lunch I sat down to watch a Midsomer Murder episode.... and fell fast asleep.   

This was one of the few Midsomer Murder’s that I hadn’t seen and I missed the end of it. 

Nae ‘plan’ for tomorrow though I’ll make a point of going to the beach first thing;  the chance of sleet/rain is higher after midday.   I’m orf to make my chocolate and see if I can find something interesting on the tele.   Sometimes I get lucky.     



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