Peaceful ....

4th January 2020 (Monday)      08.00 .... It looks like being a nice enough day

....oops... nearly had wet feet.

....‘sunny spells with a light Northeast breeze’.... ye Gods, we’ll be getting the sun cream out in a few weeks.    I’m going to have a wander down to the beach in a wee while;  it’s a good place to begin a new day.

10.30   We have another ‘interesting sky day’ if the shower clouds continue to bumble across the sky:  we don’t want the showers .... just the clouds.    It was braw on the beach earlier;  Chris was out with Skye (or had Skye taken Chris out for a morning walk) but the beach was quiet.   There is a cool wind so it is a wrap up well day.   The melancholy feeling (that I always have at this time of year) is rapidly diminishing.... in fact I suspect that it has been replaced by a  ‘romantic’ feeling (I'll wear a mask so that it disnae spread).  Must ‘go’ .... large scale ‘flap on’ ....’Blob’ is sitting glowering at me on the computer room window sill.   I’d better get a move on.

14.00    I had to go to the surgery to pick up a sample bottle;  unfortunately it, the surgery, is ‘closed’ today.    I ended up going out to Woodhaven Car Park, with the intention of doing the Lighthouse Lady’s Tower walk.   I did half the walk then the path became very ‘greasy’ and slippery so I only did half the walk... and I did enjoy it.... but it is raw cold out.  

The sky has turned overcast and it looks more like it could rain now, rather than showers.    I’m orf to see if I can find a film to watch, so that I can fall asleep.

19.00    I found a film to watch;   about Rembrandt .... but I didn’t fall asleep because it held my attention.    Since then I have had an online visit to the Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam) and  the National Gallery in London.    It has been an interesting afternoon.

I’m not surprised to see that we are in ‘lockdown’ again, after midnight tonight.    At

Woodhaven Bay - Elie.

least with ‘lockdown’ the ‘rools’ are simple and no longer ‘advisory’.    I don’t think it will make much difference to me;  I am allowed to go to ‘the ‘Store’ (if I need to), and will continue to online shop with Tesco.   I’d just got brave enough to go to Ardross, but they do ‘order and deliver/pick up’ so I’ll get back into that.... and I’ll pick up the paper earlier in the morning again.    I am wondering about my appointment at the surgery.   I suspect it will be cancelled;   I’ll phone tomorrow to find out.


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