Damp ....

10th January 2021 (Sunday)     07.30    ‘Low cloud, with  a moderate breeze

and the low chance of precipitation’ is the weather forecast for KY9 today;   and it has been raining because Ferry Road is wet.... but it isn’t frosty at this time.    I’ll have a cuppa then go for the paper.

18.00    It hasn’t been the bonniest of days, but there have been plenty of people wandering about.    I only went out for the paper and to visit the harbour first thing; since then I have pottered around in Ivy.  I did ironing and some ‘ousework... and thought about going out for a walk, but ended up watching ‘North and South’, a film, that lasted for four hours.   The film was less than three hours long when you discount the adverts.   Thinking about that;  i-pads, i-phones, laptops and main frame computers are just unscrupulous advertising platforms.   And I keep getting a notice, on my computer screen, asking me to connect all my devices so that I can ‘access my photographs anywhere I am’.   What they really mean is ‘so that the advertisers can access me where ever I am’.    Anyway ‘North and South’ was an excellent film.... and I worked when the adverts were ‘on’

Having checked the listing for the TV and finding nothing that appealed to me, the immediate ‘plan’.... (within the next five minutes).... is to make myself cuppa, then do some research.

22.00    I’ve had a very interesting research session on ‘Scotland’s People’ this evening;  and it took my mind well away from COVID – 19 .... and ‘lockdown’.    All I need to do is add it into my ‘project’.... working on which, also takes me well away from the present crisis and keeps my head ‘below the parapet’.   No word, as yet, about when (and where) the first vaccination is to happen.

Tomorrow mornin looks like it could be the best part of the day;   rain is forecast to come

Sunrise time.

our way in the afternoon.

I did find an interesting programme on the TV;  about Egypt and The Valley of the Dead.    The finding and opening of the Tutankhamen tomb and stuff like that.

Orf to make my Horlicks then have a look at the News.



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