Quiet ....

6th January 2021 (Wednesday)      08.00 ....My ailments are all where they

should be and I’m feeling lively this mornin’:  and .... having been out to give Blob his breakfast, I can see that it’s a quiet and peaceful morning.... the beginning of a pleasant day.    I’m actually thinking of having morning coffee at Chapel Green;  the forecast is good.... but it is going to be cold.  

  21.00      My surgery appointment went perfectly;  and my BP will come down a bit now that the appointment is past.   Plus  .... I have ‘lost’ 3 kilograms.     I am a happy bunny tonight.    After the appointment I went to the harbour, before morning coffee ... at Ivy Cottage.... it was just too cold to have coffee with ‘The Boss’ at Chapel Green.  

I thought about getting the bike out in the afternoon but the frost had never lifted in the shade; treacherous conditions for a bike.   The car was a safer option so I went up to Elie and took a few photos of the kirk in late afternoon sun light.... then along to Chapel Green.   I saw someone with a load of rubbish from the beach .... I didn’t realise it was Neil (though I should have) until I saw him coming up Glover’s Wynd with the dogs.   I enjoyed the afternoon out in the car.   That was a good move for me because I saw a lady slip, and go down, at the Bus Stop;  luckily she was uninjured.    A gent, passing in a car, stopped to help her up then she and her friend continued on their way.    I was at the East end of the kirkyard when all this was going on.

The ‘News’ pictures coming from the USA just now are, to say the least, a bit

disconcerting and  reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.  Hopefully good sense will prevail and the Presidential handover take place without loss of life.    Sadly the USA is riddled with guns.

Tomorrow looks like being another nice day, though there is the chance of sleet showers in the morning.   I haven’t a ‘plan’, though anywhere I do go will be in the car as it is going to be cold.   I’m thinking of Balcarres Den via Robin Gray’s Cottage.


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