Lovely morrrrrrrrning ....

11th November 2024 (Monday)     Armistice Day.   ('Glenfuir' flags).

07.45     It's a lovely morning, with a red sunrise, and almost a touch of frost in the air.    The towels are on the line, I've had breakfast, and will now have another cuppa before going along to the Skeith Centre.    This will be a lazy day pottering around Ivy;  I might have morning coffee on the patio if it is sunny.... as it is forecast to be.

12.45   The mission to the Skeith Centre turned out to be a catheter change, not a trial run without the catheter as I thought it was.   It's not going as smooth as I'd hoped and have to phone the duty Chemist in the afternoon.   Not a major problem.... but a bothersome one: Which will be taken care of in the afternoon.   'Ever so slight flap on'!    

We have a lovely afternoon now but it's not warm enough to have coffee on the patio; but the washing I hung out, before I went to Ainster, is drying albeit slowly.   Could be doing with a bit more of a breeze.  I'm going to have lunch, after which I'll make a rice pudding;  got a a lot of milk left over from the weekend.

14.30    So far this has been a day trying to sort out my catheter problem ....but I feel that we are gettin somewhere now.  Th next phone call should provide the answer.   I'm kinda tied to the house just now.   The washing is drying, but very slowly.   Tomorrow is forecast to be a better 'drying day', so I might just leave most of it out.   

20.00     The catheter problem should settle down in a few days;  and my PSA reading is much lower,  so I am a happy boy.   The next catheter change is on February 11th. 

Shona was out walking the beach this afternoon and dripped in for a cuppa and blether.   We had a lot to catch up with, and ended up staying for 'dinner'.    So, although the trip to the Skeith Centre was disappointing, the day ended happily.   And I was surprised to find that washing almost dried;  and is now dangling in front of  radiators.    I have another small washing to do tomorrow.

22.30  The Skeith appointment was a disappointment for me today; but nothing that can't be lived with.
I'll go up to Davidson's (Chemist)  for more Menthol crystals... and a paper from the 'paper shop'.   And anything else that I might need.   Tomorrow is going to be a 'rest day'.   I'll get the pencils out and do some drawing.

We have a lovely moonlight night tonight (waxing gibbous) so I got the camera out.  (The full moon is on the 15th).   With the moon being our nearest 'neighbour' it has to be photographed now and again.  


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