17th November 2024 (Sunday)    09.00 .... I'm a great Grandad again!   Sorley John  McKinnon

was born  (Inverness) this morning;  weight 8lb 7oz.  Hazel and Steven live in Inverness;  and Hazel thinks she could be home today.  More information when I get it.  I'm a happy 'Great Grand Boy' this morning!   

We had a red sunrise sky this morning, in fact had I noticed it earlier I'd have tried for the beach.   After all this excitement I need my breakfast!

12.00    I went up to the golf course  for a bit of exercise but it was hard work:  Although the cold air is not agreeing with the breathing tubes I enjoyed being out.  Barbara was saying that it's going to be much colder tomorrow;  that means, if I go out, it will be in the car.  

It's actually a nice day for pottering around in the garden, which is what I'll do in the afternoon.

14.15    I'm having a break from the garden.  It's bitterly cold out ... even in the sheltered bit of the garden, where I am working.   I've also hung out the shower towels  but I don't expect them to dry.... it's not that kind o' day.   I'll do another short spell outside after this cuppa,    The villages seem to be quiet today.   That said;  with the 19th still being 'Closed'  there are fewer people going up and down Ferry Road, so it's bound to be quieter.

19.30   I did some more tidying up in the front garden, and the 'broon' bucket  is slowly filling up.    It's the 'bloo' bucket this week;  the 'broon' one goes out on the 2nd December.   That's according to the Fife Bucket Calendar; I hope that I've got that correct!

This has been an exciting day; and Maggie would have found this year really 'something else';  being a Great Grannie twice in one year would have made a very very happy "Great Grannie", just as I am a very very happy "Great Grandad".    Mind you I feel olde ... er more mature tonight!

I feel like I might have had a 'bug' today;  I guess it could be the after effects of the  booster jabs:  they always make me feel 'iffy' two or three weeks.   And I can't do hard Sudoku's for about six weeks.   I managed a short walk, plus some time working in the garden:  and I'm starting to feel mair 'playful'.   Actually I shall make 'a Janice toddie' for my bedtime drink; that will give me a good night's sleep.

22.15   All is good up in Inverness.....   and in Ivy!    It's going to be cold tomorrow so it will probably be a drawing day for me.

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