Cloudy with light SE breeze ....

8th November 2024 (Friday)     08.00 ....  With the sky being overcast we have a gloomy looking

morning;  but the sun is forecast to break through and we're to have 'sunny spells' by midday.   The wind is light from the SE.  Being that I'm feeling positive, and anticipating the sun breaking through, I have a washing going through the machine!   

12.30     The winter booster jabs mission was an outstanding success!   I phoned Myra to let her know that 'JB' was arriving off the 10.29 X60 coach, and that I'd take my own car, and meet him at Elie.  I hung out the aforementioned washing then had another cuppa before leaving for Ainster.   I arrived there with time to spare.   The NHS bloke doing the booking came from Sunny Sussex, and, as I was the only one at the desk, we chatted for a few minutes.  The last words the bloke at the desk said to me were "mind the step".   I moved towards the Main Hall door, saw the Nurse, promptly forgot the step .... and just as promptly, tripped!   I managed to stop myself falling, after a few newly born foal like steps!   The fault was entirely my own.   Anyway, after this spectacular entry I got to the Nurse and sat down (she was mair shocked than I was) ... took my jacket off and hung it on the back of the chair and sat down.    We chatted about the jabs, got the jabs and an information leaflet.   I then set off for the car where I had to sit for 10 minutes.  The Nurse caught me up with my jacket that I'd left hanging on the chair.   Definitely the most eventful booster jab session I've ever had.  

21.30   'JB', Emily John and Henry are here for a long weekend ;  Emily's John is going the the Med for few months.  Unfortunately he will miss Henry's first Christmas.... and birthday.   I can't get over how fast Henry is growing and developing;  he's crawling all over the place, and  will be walking soon.   I took the photo without flash today and hope to get better ones tomorrow.

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