Clouds and sunny spells .....

21st November 2024 (Thursday)     09.15   It's a a nice morning;  the wind is from the West

not as 'sharp' cold as it has been for the past couple of days.  That said, it isn't 'iggzactly' warm, but the change in wind direction is welcome.  Dogs will enjoy taking their owners out for a walk on the beach!    At the moment it's a "stay in and stay warm" day for me;  but would like to be fit enough to go to the Rockies for lunch.   This cold spell is seriously hampering my activities.

20.00    I enjoyed going to 'The Rockies' with the 'Troops', that was the highlight of the day.  The restaurant was awfie quiet;  but you read in the papers that this is what is happening to the hospitality industry.   Not only here but all over the UK.   Having said  that, Christmas is not far off, and folk have the  'Festive Season' on their minds.    

I took the camera with me today, and photographed the journey from Elie and Earlsferry to 'The Rockies' and back.   This is the first time I have done that.   There was an interesting sky on the way home.  I delete all of the OOF ones.   It's actually surprising how many turn out reasonable, even on a dullish day such as it was at times today.

East end of Elie High Street.
The 'gless' (barometer) has dropped in the last 12 hours and is now at 'Rain'.   There has been a different feel to the air today;  and the change has not agreed with me.  I woke up feeling fine, then had a migraine after breakfast.  Luckily I was going out with 'The Troops' and they brightened up my day.

22.15    There's a cold night ahead, followed by a cold day tomorrow.   It's time for the Horlicks the into the cosy bed, with the Annals of Colinsburgh.

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