Bonnie morning ....

13th November 2024 (Wednesday)    08.45 .... We have a bonnie, peaceful morning.   There's a

light SW breeze, and the sky light cloud with sunny intervals.   The forecast is "sunny with a gentle breeze".    'Blob' was twitter happily  atop the Rowan tree when I went out to feed him this morning.   I wonder if he listens to me singing(?) in the shower?   Anyway, I'm up and ready for breakfast..... and feeling almost frisky!

12.15   I've been for the paper(s) .... and came home by way of Balbuthie. That was a bit of luck... why?.... because I was able to get some photographs of a dung spreader in operation.  A much neglected camera subject I might add!    This brought to mind the 'good old days' of horse powered dung spreading.   The dung was brought to the field by horse and cart... then hauled off the back, into small heaps, at regular intervals (five Clydesdale horse steps).   The tines of the graip (fork) used to haul the dung off the cairt were 90% to the graip handle.    The men would then spread the dung using a normal farmyard graip.  Hard work for both horses and men.   Changed days indeed.   

I went down to Elie on the way home get a coffee and scone at 'arbour 'ouse.   The scone will be spread with 'JB's blackcurrant jam, for one of my afternoon tea breaks!   Laura was in the shop ... and looking lovely as ever.   No sign of Brenda!    

It's a lovely day out, but I was expecting a lot more sunny intervals;  Having said that, it looks like the sky is clouding over now.

15.30     It being a nice afternoon I went out in the car to photograph the Kinneuchar and Elie War Memorials.  Brenda came out from Harbour House to say hello.   She is as bonnie a ever.... but I've seen her with brighter coloured hair!   However, she gets her hair done on Friday and will be  the bright and breezy Brenda that we all know for the weekend.

22.30    The Ferry seems quiet tonight, but this is the quiet time of year for holidaymakers. 

Christmas and New Year being the next, really busy, holiday time.   Today has been a reasonably busy and enjoyable day for me, but this weather, isn't the most stimulating.    I'm going to visit Alice tomorrow, she is bound to need tormenting.    I don't need to do any shopping as I still have loads left from last weekend.

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