Overcast .... and peaceful

10th March 2019 (Sunday) ....08.30     The Royal Burgh is wearing its
Elie Bay.... just after sunrise.
grey cloak this morning.... the sky is heavily overcast.... heavy enough to give us a few showers by the look of it.    On the ‘brighter’ side of grey.... the wind is of a lightness that means the wind chill is negligible .... it’s warmer.    In fact it was pleasant on the beach for after the sun broke through:  that didn’t last, because the sun is out of sight, above the bank of cloud. 
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised but I’ve managed to catch the Scottish variant of ‘the cough’, so I’m going to be lying low today.    Nae Kinneuchar kirk service for the boy;   and I’ve been looking forward to that all week.    I wondered why I felt ‘under the weather’ for the past couple of days.     Oh well .... at least I’ll be able to work on t
Kinneuchar from the top of Balcarres.
he Colinsburgh WRI girls presentation.

11.00     Since the above Hutte update.... I have had breakfast, it has started to rain, and I have sorted some photos for the  Colinsburgh Girls.     It’s a really dreich day now.... a good day for working;  and drinking tea/ coffee.    It’s not a good day for travelling into, or out of the East Neuk as Scoonie Brae at Leven is closed and diversions in operation.

20.00      The rain eventually faded away and the afternoon was sunny... and very
Community Council Spring flower tubs at Chapel Green!
cold;  the wind got up to F6 so we had a serious wind-chill, so it was bitterly cold.    A bonnie afternoon but not ‘iggzactly’ warm.     Myra came down to tell me how Jim was.... and to remind me that there was Six Nations rugby on the tele ... Ireland v France.    Ireland won .... but France gave them a scare in the last six minutes!  

I have a dental appointment in Anstruther tomorrow morning, ... at 11.15.    Not too early thankfully.    If I remember it’s just to discuss what to do about a tooth that broke.
The weather forecast is not too bad for tomorrow, but there is a snow/ice warning out for the higher roads in Fife.    It isn’t going to be warm.     Having been plagued with this cough all day I’m having a toddie and having an early night in bed.

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