Feeling frolicsome ....

26th March 2019 (Tuesday) ....  08.30    It’s a bonnie mornin’ ....  the air
 Ferry Road.... at 07.30.
cool as yet but not frosty, and it will quickly warm up.   There is a thin layer of cloud but nothing to bother us Scots.    I’m thinking that it’s a good drying day.... I’ll put on a wee washing.
I have Helen’s Memorial Service in the morning, then an appointment at St Andrews in the afternoon .... so a fairly busy day ahead.

21.30     There was a big attendance at Helen’s Memorial Service .... taken by the Rev Jim Campbell.    The service was one of those sad/happy occasions:   sad because Helen is no longer with us, but happy because we were all lucky enough to have known her.    The family invited everyone for tea/coffee etc in the Kirk Hall, and I’m sure many went to the Hall;  unfortunately I had my appointment in St Andrews so couldn’t.

The Ferry beach,
I had a successful mission to St Andrews.... my PSA reading has settled down and my next appointment is in six months.    My Consultant is a happy ... and I am happy.    To celebrate I went to Morrison’s and did a wee shopping..... including a few ‘Emergency Rations’. 
I had a daunder to the beach after I got back to Ivy.... unsurprisingly the beach was quiet, with only a couple of people at either end, but it was bonnie and relaxing ... as ever.

I don’t have a ‘plan’ in place for tomorrow;  no doubt something will appeal to me.  
Elie beach.
  I’ll get some more work done in the garden, and take any rubbish along to the skip at Pittenweem, with the ‘broon’ bucket being ‘up tae the eyeballs’.    The weather is forecast to be ‘good’ tomorrow;  but it’s supposed to turn colder by the weekend.
I think it’s time that I made a cuppa and tried out the quality of Morrison’s Emergency Rations.

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