March 2019 (Saturday)
..... 08.30 It’s a beautiful morning at
Catriona and Jackie in the succulent house. |
Centre of the Universe; a perfect
morning for working in the garden!
Maybe. There is a cool air, but
that’s easily taken care of with a warm jacket. The ‘troops’ from Auchnagatt are coming down
later; this means I’d better do some ‘ooverin’
and dustin’. First I need to have
20.30 We’ve had a gorgeous ‘sunny and warm (out of
the wind) day’... and I have had a brilliant birthday. The
Auchnagatt troops arrived about 10.30; we had a cuppa and devoured some of the
goodies they’d brought with them.
Suitably fuelled up, Catriona and Iain went up to the attic to have an
explore, I can’t remember what they were looking for, but they brought down an ancient
record player that is still in working order.
To know that Catriona has inherited the ‘we need to keep that’ gene is a
load off my mind. All the family
heirlooms(?) that Maggie ‘saved’ are up there and, were waiting for someone to
come along and ‘love’ them! I’ll sleep
well tonight.
Ladybird enjoying the warm sun. |
celebrate my birthday we had a fascinating few hours in the St Andrews Botanic
Gardens, It was a perfect day for
browsing, and being sheltered from the cold wind, it was warm. It’s the perfect place to go to relax; and ever changing with the seasons; I’ll be up there a few times. The Cafe only does coffee/tea and a soft
drinks..... and goodies (cakes and biscuits), so we went up to Morrison’s for a
bowl of soup etc.
at Ivy Catriona and Iain went up to the attic again; it’s a magic place is our attic. When they were up there Jackie sorted out
the food they had brought with them. We were all ready for food and it disappeared
off the plates like ‘snaw aff a dyke’ in a thaw.
At the end of the day I am one happy, and
contented ‘boy,.... and a tired one.
It will
The Heron has just caught afternoon tea - a frog. |
be an early night in bed for me tonight. I have nae plan for tomorrow, but.... I
might go to the kirk if I don’t ‘sleep in’.
The weather forecast is not that bad .... windy with sunny spells; and, we
might catch the odd shower.