Hmmmm ... not a drying day

7th March 2019 (Thursday) .... 08.00     Mmmmmm ....owing to the fact
Geoff's 'baby' - the newly resurfaced car park at the harbour.
that it is raining this not a drying day;  so the washing is on ‘hold’.  And so is going to the beach.    The rain, which isn’t that heavy .... but is wet, should peter out by the afternoon.   It’s a good morning for me tidying up, .... and sorting out what I brought back from Sussex.    It could be a bonnier day, and maybe even a drying one, tomorrow:  right now it looks like the sky is brightening.    Yes .... another cuppa is called for.

20.30     A big ‘Thank You’ to Brian, who looked after Sooper Buggy when I was on holiday, and re-united me with her, first thing this morning.    Why is it my cars always seem to run better after someone else looks after them? 

Sunset time.
Anyway after getting the car I went back to Ivy, picked up my wallet, and went to Harbour House to catch up with the ‘troops’, made an appointment for a blood test, and finally made my way to Sainsbury’s to stock up with food.    I got back to Ivy in time to have a light lunch (I’m trying to lose some more weight) before bumbling  down to the harbour to admire the newly resurfaced car park at the harbour;  by this time it had stopped raining....  the sky was still overcast, but beginning to show promise of a bonnier evening.

I dropped in to the ‘Drop in Cafe’ to catch up with the ‘Cafe troops’ .... and enjoyed a couple of cuppas and much chat.   On leaving the cafe I bumbled home by way of Balbuthie Loan.    All seems well with ‘home’.

Tomorrow is going to be a drying day:  to put it another way I've done my holiday
Sunset over Earlsferry.
washing and it is going to be on the line from the crack of dawn.... so I need tomorrow to be a drying day.    Apart from hanging out the washing .... and going to Harbour House for MC I have no ‘plan’;  but I must finish the presentation I’m doing for the Colinsburgh Rural girls in two weeks.

I’m having another early night in bed tonight;   I had a really good night’s sleep last night and another good night should have me back to normal.

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