Bright after overnight rain ...

14th March 2019 (Thursday) ....07.30      The sky is clearing after a fair
Lovely morning.
amount of overnight rain;  it’s beginning to look like we could have a bonnie day.    I’m feeling brighter, much brighter than I did yesterday;  almost feeling positive again.    The ‘plan’ is to lie low and work on my Presentation for the Colinsburgh girls:  until 10.00, when I’ll take a break for coffee.... at Harbour House.    In the meantime .... its go go go.   Mmmmm .... I’d better have a cuppa first.

19.30    It has been a productive day for the ‘boy’;  that means I managed to get some work done on the Colinsburgh presentation.... and took time out to take a run down to the harbour, have coffee.... and go to the Drop in Cafe in the afternoon.
I now know ‘iggzactly’ what I am aiming for with the presentation, and have most of the photographs sorted out.    Much progress has been made.... but I did lose three days due to this cold. 
Elie ... from not in the middle of the boats.
I checked the weather forecast a few minutes ago;  tomorrow is going to be much the same as today, but there’s a warning for our area on Saturday .... disruptive snow:   probably around Glenrothes, and the higher parts of Fife;   not the ‘Fringe of Gold’.   (King James the VI called Fife a “beggars mantle with a fringe of gold”...(The ‘fringe of gold’ being the coastal villages from Upper Largo round to St Andrews).    Snow means it’s going to be cold again, because, although breezy today, it wasn’t a biting wind.   The wind is going to be from the East on Saturday.

Brexit continues to flounder along;  with another ‘meaningful’ vote on Theresa’s Deal
... aforementioned boats.
next week.   Presumably it will keep being ‘meaningfully’ voted on until it is passed.    This is democracy at work .... I think?

I am feeling ‘brighter’ tonight, but will have another early night in bed with my book;  hoping to be the .normal me’ tomorrow morning.     ‘Normal me’ with a cough i.e.

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