Bright eyed and bushy tailed ....

17th March 2019 (Sunday) .... and ...St Patrick’s Day.    I wish all my Irish
Late afternoon.
friends the world over, loads of happiness and love on this your especial day.
We have a dry, ‘cloudy with long sunny spells’ start to our day in the East Neuk... with a brisk and cool Northwest breeze.   Golfer are out golfin’, (Jock is out there too, .... I know this because Jock’s car is parked up the street);  dogs will be walking their owners;  and I am enjoying a cuppa before I fire up the main computer.     I have only been as far as the front gate.... the plan is to stay warm, (I’m not going to the kirk) and play this cold like Scotland played the second half of the game yesterday.   Must ‘go’  ....ever so slight ‘flap on’ .... I have work to do.

19.00     Myra and I visited Jim this afternoon: and found him in excellent form.   Since his escape attempt he has been moved upstairs.... well away from the front door.   However ‘Leven Beach’ (the care home) is a clean and well equipped place, and, though he doesn’t have a great view from  his room. The views from the upstairs lounges are all excellent:  from the front lounge you can see the cliffs and, more excitingly, the ‘Royal Burgh’.    A nurse brought Myra and me coffee and cake;  Jim didn’t want anything having had lunch about an hour previously.    Anyway, while
Threatening sky .... but it didn't come to anything.
Myra and I are enjoying the coffee, Jim gets up to go for a ‘ramble’ along the corridor (the corridors have ‘street’ names ,,,, but I can’t remember the name of this one).    We gave him  a few minutes then went to look for him.    Where did we find him? ..... happily ensconced in the nurses office with three of the ‘Carers’.   He seems to have settled in!

When we got back to the Royal Burgh I went to the beach ..... it was pleasantly warm as the wind had dropped.    The beach was busy;  it was one of those late balmy kind of afternoons you can get at this time of year.   Frost is forecast for first thing tomorrow we could be in for a decent day tomorrow again.

I’ve made good progress with the ‘presentation’ and should have all the photos in
Our nearest neighbour.
place by the end of this evening.    All it needs after that will be ‘tweaking’.    I’m happy with what I have;   I only hope that the girls like it.

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