Back in 'The Royal Burrow' ....

6th March 2019 (Wednesday) ....     20.00     I’m back in residence in the
Kings X Station.
‘Royal Burrow’ after what feels like a really long day.    The journey from Kings X to Kirkcaldy was uneventful, arriving in Kirkcaldy bang on time;  with Geoff waiting for me as per plan.     The Underground  from London Bridge was horrid;   so ‘horrid’ I doubt if ‘JB’ and I will ever travel during the rush hour ever again..... not with luggage that’s for sure.

Back at Ivy I decided to have a look around my ‘domain’ and was extremely surprised to find the two boxes;   the ones that ‘JB and I had posted in Eastbourne yesterday afternoon, .... sitting in the Hutte;  they’d taken less than 24 hours to get here.    I’ll get the washing done tomorrow.... weather permitting.

Geoff has updated me on what’s been happening in the village(s) during my absence;   once I get myself back into gear I’ll take few photographs.    \tomorrow I’ll bumble along to Harbour House for ‘morning coffee, then get back to the Thistle to catch up with Brian who should have finished his round of golf, and will run me up to Arncroach to reunite me with ‘Sooper Buggy’.    Having said that .... the weather
'The Ferry' High Street.
forecast for us tomorrow is not ‘iggzactly’ great .... there’s a good chance of rain.    I’m definitely back home in Bonnie Scotland.    Probably means that the washing will have to be done on Friday.

Plan for tomorrow?     Hmmmm .... I need a good sleep first;  my heid is still birlin’ from all the travelling, but morning coffee and getting the car are two must ‘do’s.    There’s also the ‘Drop in Cafe’ in the afternoon.... yep... tomorrow could be a reasonably busy day.    And I need to make an appointment to have a blood test.
The beach was looking as pristine as ever when I went down this afternoon .... but ...
Yes .... the beach at the COTU.
there was a cool easterly breeze;  but not cold enough to stop me enjoying  being there. 
Big progress has been made with the renovations, and extension, to Margaret Dunsire’s cottage;   it looks higher than I expected, but the car parking will be the bigger problem.

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