Considered cleaning the windows ....

21st March 2019 (Thursday) .... 08.30     It could be my imagination ... but
Peaceful afternoon.
the air seems colder and damper this morning;  having said that, it is overcast, and there is a brisk wind so it probably is colder.    Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow.
I’m feeling kind of ‘playful’ this morning;  in fact so playful that I thought  about cleaning the windows, however I quickly tuned in to another, more sensible, brain cell;  the ‘leisure activities’ one.   I’ll have another cuppa while mulling over the choices.

12.00    This is Thursday... the day that I’m talking to the Colinsburgh girls.    In the afternoon so I’d better get a move on;  I still have the ‘rools’ type up, and print off.
The sky has broken up to give us a lovely day .... and the wind has moderated some so it feels warmer.   I’ve been up to Elie for the paper... and morning coffee... and came home via Balbuthie Loan. 

20.00     Oh ... what an enjoyable afternoon I had with the Colinsburgh girls:  it was perfect.   I knew all the ‘girls’, and I was really happy and relaxed.    I might join the Colinsburgh WRI!    Irene had borrowed the projector from Pat;     the laptop that Iain gave me had the proper connections and everything went smoothly.  
When I got back home I went straight down to the beach and sat on Nana’s seat and thought about how lucky I am living where I do, surrounded by friendly people:  I feel like I’m ‘in love’.
I don’t have a plan for tomorrow;   I’ll see what the weather is like before I make a ‘plan’.... it’s supposed to be much like today, but with the chance of light rain around midday.    I might have a lie in .... especially if it is dull and damp.   I’m tired ;  I think it’s an early night in bed with my book.

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