Contented boy ....

22nd March 2019 (Friday) .... 09.30     Mmmmm .... it’s overcast,  windy
Overcast morning.
and colder,  but not yet raining;   though it looks like it could rain later, but hopefully not here.
  If it does rain I’m going to sort out my sock drawer;  that is a big job, with a lot of socks heading for the bin.

I woke up feeling really refreshed this morning, after a good night’s uninterrupted sleep.... I didn’t wake up in the middle of the night at all.   When I went to bed I felt truly contented;  I think my afternoon with the ‘Colinsburgh Girls’ relaxed me in a way that I haven’t been in a while.    I don’t know why that should be ..... it was like being ‘at home’.    My next Power Point Presentation is going  to be what I think are the best
Heavy sky over the cliffs.
photographs of my main ‘play area’:   that is a triangle, with Kilbrackmont as its apex, with one side going down to the coast at Lower Largo and the other to St Monans.   I’d enjoy doing that and it would be something I’d enjoy looking at when I’m old.

16.00   We have had one short wet spell, but it has in fact been a ‘no bad’ day .... albeit cool in the wind.    I’ve been browsing photographs;  and ‘saving’ any that I might need, for my ‘when I grow old presentation(s).    I have still to make up my mind;  should I make one big presentation, or a few small ones?    Anyway I’ve made a start, and it’s a project that will keep me occupied on bad weather days:  I certainly have plenty of photographs to choose from.
It looks like the sky has brightened up so I’m going to go for a daunder.

19.30     I went up to the golf course for the aforementioned ‘daunder’, but I had to
Ferry Road.
keep my eye on the weather because I could see a shower heading our way:  it was cold out there so I shortened the walk.... and got back to Ivy just as the shower reached the ‘Royal Burgh’.  

We’ve had a red sky sunset so we can look forward to a bonnie day tomorrow.... which is a bit of luck because the ‘troops’ are coming down from Auchnagatt; I’m looking forward to that.   That takes care of tomorrow’s ‘plan’.

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