Cracker of a morning ...

18th March 2019 (Monday) .... 08.00    We have an absolute cracker of a
Earlsferry beach at 08.15.
morning in Elie and Earlsferry.... near enough ‘wall to wall’ blue sky, with only a light breeze to add a wee bit of wind chill.    There was a touch of frost at sunrise time but the sun has shifted that and it is a perfect day for wandering.    I’m partial to wandering and might do a bit of that myself later on.   Right now I need food.    Enjoy ‘today’ as much as you can .... wherever you are.

15.00     Well I have managed a nigh on even mix of  work and play so far today;  and, most importantly, I’ve managed to find a way to cope with Harbour House being ‘closed’ on Monday’s and Tuesday’s.    I buy a carry out coffee from Ian (the Paper Shop) clamp it in into the clamping thing for cups/ mugs in the car, and go down to the harbour and have it down there.   
Right now I’ve just surfaced from having ‘50’ in the Hutte, and feel the need to go for a walk round Chapel Green before firing up the computer again:   I did do a good bit of work on the computer before going up for the paper this morning.

Large cloud 'moored up'  over the 'Royal Burgh'
16.30     Although a lot duller now, I enjoyed my ‘roond the Chapel’ walk;  it was very calm, with only a very light breeze.     I met Alan (Provan) on his way home from having infiltrated into Earlsferry, and do the Chapel walk, when I wasn’t looking.    Alan is from Elie.    He was saying that he has had this cough for four weeks, and that the Doctor told him that some folks have had it for seven weeks.
I drove up Admiralty Lane today and noticed a skip outside Jimmy’s house.   The house  has been bought by a family from ‘down south’ ..... from Billericay, a commuter town in Essex.
19.30     Oh my word I’m tired tonight:  must be the fresh air round Chapel Green
Kincraig cliffs - Earlsferry.
that’s got me like this.     I’ll do a few more bits on the computer then bumble off to bed about 21.30.    The weather forecast for tomorrow isn’t bad, ..... a bit cloudier than today, but brain isn’t mentioned for us.   Myra phoned to say that we’re having coffee in the ‘Pav’ tomorrow morning.     

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