New Zealand attack ....

15th March 2019 (Friday) ..... 08.30    This is a sad day for New
My walk to the beach most days.
Zealand... and for all of us on 'Mother Earth:  t
he horrifying news of the cowardly attack on innocent people at prayer, is hard to take in:  I never ever imagined that New Zealand could be affected by the evil of terrorism:  not like this.    New Zealand seemed to me to be above, and far removed from this kind of evil.   My thoughts are with the families who have had loved ones killed, or injured, in this callous attack.

11.30    The weather here is as predicted;   bright, breezy and cooler.  Oh .... I had a small disaster in the kitchen at breakfast;   I dropped my cereal bowl.     Luckily it was empty at the time, so there was only broken crockery to clear up.   I had my Weetabix in a ‘common’ plate.... but that’s not the same:  so I’ve been to Sainsbury’s (Leven) to
Yep .... it's all good at the Centre of the Universe.
buy, not one, but two replacements:   and I bought sausages because I fancy sausages and mash for dinner tonight.    From Sainsbury’s I went to one of the Charity shops in the High Street to deliver a bag of books .... and to fill the bag with new bedtime books.   I didn’t make it back to Ivy in time to go for morning coffee.

19.00    I had a walk down to the beach in the afternoon... late afternoon I might add.    I fell sound asleep in the Hutte, for about two hours.... the temperature in the Hutte was 68f (20c) so comfortable warm for having a doze.    This cold/cough virus is proving a stubborn blighter.

As you’d expect it was windy on the beach but I didn’t have it to myself:   there was a couple walking their dog on the Ferry beach, and a group of people with dogs along at the Breakwater.    The wind was cold, but I was well wrapped up.    If the weather
The Ferry beach.
forecast for tomorrow is correct I won’t be bumbling around on the beach.... it’s to be windy and wet... with the chance of wet snow/ sleet mentioned for the Royal Burrow;  oops ... not the ‘burrow’ ... the ‘Burgh’.
I‘ll spend the remainder of the evening ‘working’ on the computer:  I made good progress with the presentation yesterday.    As I have been doing for the past few nights I’ll go to bed early again tonight;  with a ‘new’ book.  

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