Bright and very breezy ....

13th March 2019 (Wednesday) .... 08.00     It’s bright and very breezy.... so
Balcarres Crag.
quite cold in the wind.    I’m going to Leven to do some shopping.... and have the car windows fixed:   they won’t open.    Actually I think I’ll start using Fife Auto (St Andrews);   they  are next door to Morrison’s Cafe.    It’s along walk from Fife Auto Banbeath) to Sainsbury’s in Leven.    Exactly one mile.

 17.30     When I was bumbling along to Leven this morning I thought, “I’ll try the car windows to see if they’re still not working”;   and they opened!  I think my cars are like me;  not keen on damp weather.   The mechanic said it was probably the damp weather;  ‘damp weather?’ .... in Bonnie Scotland?   Hmmmmm .... I suppose it could be!
Being in Leven early I went to Sainsbury’s and celebrated by doing a shopping ..... including ‘emergency rations.    I was... home in time to go to Harbour House for coffee with the troops.... and to get a cough mixture at the Chemists.

Earlsferry from the East Links.
This was Friendship Lunch day... lunch was well taken care of by the girls.    The Lunch is always a happy occasion, today’s especially so for me because I’d missed the last two.    Jim not being there was sad;  that said, I know that he’s in a good place, but he was missed at the boy’s table.   In fact I didn’t sit at the usual ‘Boy’s table’ because Jim wasn’t going to be there.   Growing older is easy .... adapting to the changes it brings with it can be hard.

I don’t have a plan for tomorrow;   everything depends on how quickly I get rid of this cough,    I will do some more work on the Colinsburgh presentation.... a  day of lying low, staying warm and drinking plenty liquids.    The weather forecast for our area tomorrow isn’t bad;   windy with showers.

I’ve been watching the Brexit debate, and as far as I am concerned the UK lacks in one
.... everything is where it should be, and lt's all looking good.
vital item;  a politician who could be called a Leader:  someone who stands out,.    At the moment Theresa is the nearest to being one (she is) but, .... she is repetitively boring.   

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