Lovely morning

5th March 2019 (Tuesday) .... 08.00    The sun is up and shining brightly
Vintage bus for the wedding guests...
.... we have a ‘sunny Sussex’ this morning.    I’m about to bumble down to the shops;  and hopw to be back before ‘JB’ surfaces.   We had thought of going to Ashdown Forest, but the paths will be muddy after yesterday’s heavy showers.... as will be the Buxted Park paths.
I’m ready to travel tomorrow morning;   all I have to do is post my washing!    ‘JB’ is taking me up to KingsX station.


Chris, Joyce and Jean at the 'top' Church.
19.00      ‘JB’ and I went to Beachy Head, the Eastbourne this afternoon ;  it was a bonnie day..... but it is raining now.   I think the rain will get me acclimatised for Bonnie Scotland tomorrow;   where it is going to be wet .... and cold with snow on the mountains.

There much activity at the top of the Beachy Head cliffs.... above the car park we normally stop at.... so we moved on to the Belle Tout park.  
I’m ready to travel north arriving at Kirkcaldy at 15.15;  Geoff is meeting me there.    With Jim being unwell, Myra is going to be otherwise engaged.    ‘JB’ and I have an early start tomorrow..... we want to catch the 07.03 train from Uckfield.    That gets us
'JB' with Belle Tout beyond.
into London in time to have a cuppa at Kings X Station.

The next update will be from ‘Ivy’ tomorrow .... most likely late in the evening.    The laptop is going into the case immediately after this update....  I’ll then go downstairs to have a cuppa and a blether.   

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