"Pole Star" in Elie Bay ....

29th August 2016 (Monday) ...10.00    We have a lovely bright, sunny and ‘fresh’ morning here, definitely a morning for being out.    I’ve been down on the beach, and up at Chapel Green, watching the “Pole Star” checking the Elie Sewage
Part of the  Kincraig cliffs at Earlsferry.
outfall buoy.    That job done, she has left Elie Bay, and is making for the Isle of May at a speed of 9.3 knots.    How do I know that?    I looked ‘her’ up on AIS.... which is a worldwide ship movement site.      

I’m in the mood for cutting something down, and a Buddleia bush comes to the forefront of my mind:   it has blown over and is past flowering, so that will ‘go’.    Must go ‘Slight flap on’, I’ve remembered that I have an appointment at the surgery this afternoon re my BP etc, so I had better do relaxing things:   yep, removing that Buddleia bush would be calming!  

  22.30      Hmmmmm .... I didn’t remove the whole of the Buddleia bush, but I separated it from the Planet;   I cut its roots.     It was surprising to see how quickly the leaves went limp after I did that;   this made me feel slightly guilty.   However I soon got over that,.... after I put the branches, with their leaves, into the ‘Broon Bucket’.    Jimmy and ‘Dod’ turned up looking for a cuppa;  half an hour too late to save the Buddleia bush.

Elie beach
It is good news about my BP and cholesterol  .... the Doctor is happy with both and has taken me off one of the BP pills, and the statin.     I have been on a healthier diet, and this has lowered my cholesterol from 6.2 to 5.7.    This diet, and the fact that I can exercise again, should get the cholesterol even lower.    I am well pleased by this.
I go along to pick up my ‘M’ tomorrow, so that she can spend a few days in ‘The Royal Burgh’ before heading orf home to New Zealand.    She will be glad to get back home to her loved ones;   actually ‘M’ is lucky because she has family in both New Zealand, and ‘Bonnie Scotland’..... therefore ‘M’  can feel ‘at home’ in both countries.   
Part of the Chapel Green area of Earlsferry

We don’t have a ‘plan’ as yet for tomorrow, but I’d like to get some photos of ‘M’ around the ‘Royal Burgh’ before she goes back to St Monans on Thursday;   that all depends on the weather.     The forecast is for tomorrow to be cloudy in the morning, then ‘sunny and warm’ in the afternoon.

Photographs : Top – The WWII searchlight post on Kincraig .. that’s Leven in the background, Middle – the Breakwater area of Elie this morning, and Bottom- this is part of the Chapel Green area of Earlsferry.

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