Happy boy .....

23rd August 2016 ( Janice’s Birthday) ...   “Happy Birthday Janice” have a great, ‘21 and a bit’,  birthday! xx

13.30    “Laurie” (Nurse) is happy with my BP;   my weight, 10st 11lbs, was a pleasant surprise;   I thought I was over 11 stone, so I am very happy.    However I had to make an appointment to see my Doctor re my pills;   that happens on Monday.
This morning

First thing this morning I got ‘up’ to catch the sunrise, which was bright yellow/orange, but it was spitting rain so.    I didn’t get down to the beach, until after the event,....  but managed only a short walk before it began to spit rain again.    I gave up and went back to Ivy for breakfast, and to get ready for my appointment.

After my ‘BP’ appointment, I went straight to Leven where I needed to do some  ‘banking’ stuff, then went to Sainsbury’s for coffee, and a wee shopping.    I got back to Ivy about half a minute before Jimmy;  and we had our cuppa after I put the messages away.

22.00     This, for me, has been a ‘lazy’ day;   the few times I went to get the bike out it was spitting rain.    I gave up, and went to the Hutte to do a Soduko... and fell asleep.   When I ‘surfaced’ I did a bit of ‘ooverin’ and dustin’, then decided it was time to make the ‘mince and tauties’ that I have been thinking about for nigh on a week.    The mince was the best I have ever made ... I added some of Michael’s Top Secret ingredient this
Earlsferry from the 2nd green.
time...  sort of celebrating Janice’s birthday with ‘mince, tauties’ and Worcester sauce oops ... secret ingredient!    I shall have a ‘Janice’ night cap (toddie) at bed time.

I must make up for the lethargic day I’ve had today;   luckily tomorrow is forecast to be ‘bright, sunny and warm’ .... but not as warm as it’s going to be in the South East corner of England ...  the low 30’s centigrade.    Jings I get the ‘mauchless’ just thinking of that.    Tomorrow morning I shall get up to see the sunrise .... and feel a touch of the, Elie and Earlsferry, lovely and  fresh, non-mauchless, air ... the “frisky as a Spring Lamb” feeling is coming on me already.  
While it wasn’t the bonniest evening for a daunder I went out with the Canon to practice late evening shots.     I enjoyed pottering around the ‘Pony Field’ area taking
Jimmy and Chrissie (Mackie)
‘late’ shots of  .... the ‘Royal Burgh’ mostly!

Photographs : Top – the beach this morning ... with a Heron waiting on the rocks being uncovered, Middle – Earlsferry from the 2nd green, and Bottom – Jimmy, Chrissie and dog. 

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