Boxers training on the beach .....

1st August 2016 (Monday) ... 10.00    we have a gorgeous morning here in the East Neuk;   a real morning for being out and about enjoying doing stuff.    I’ve been round the villages on the bike.... it was chilly with a distinct autumnal feel to the air at that time.    The ‘Elie Deli’ door was ‘Open’ so I went in, then discovered that
Earlsferry beach this morning
the shop didn’t actually ‘open’ for customers until 08.00.    However, Elie being Elie, I was cheerfully served and left a happy customer, with bananas for my cereal, and SR flour to bake some scones.  
Having circumnavigated the villages on the bike I thought might as well go down to the beach (it was low tide) for a walk .... it’s one of those peaceful mornings when  everyone was doing their own thing on the beach...... I go down to the edge of the tide and dream.    Then again I don’t need to go down to the edge of the tide to dream .... I, and probably most folk,  do that most of the time.

There was a first for the beach this morning .... two lassies and a man... boxing.   The male looked like he was the ‘trainer’ putting the lassies through their paces.   I left the beach, then went down again half an hour later, having to go out to post a letter, and they were still at it.   They were light on their toes .... like I used to be when dancing.... and, I felt a serious weakness coming on just watching them.    I’m used to seeing folks jogging on the beach .... some doing Tia Chi occasionally, but boxing is definitely a
Elie from Chapel green
first.    It, the boxing didn’t seem to fit in with the ‘peaceful’ ambiance that I’m more used to on the beach, but it was good seeing folks ...wellll ...... doing something different... and ‘keeping fit’.

22.00    August has started bonnie ... long may it continue.   ‘Today’, having started with a beautiful morning, ended with a beautiful evening;   and the bit in between was bonnie too .... yes the 1st of August has been a perfect day.   I went out again in the morning:  up to Chapel Green for a wander around with Jimmy, who was doing his morning walk round to Alice’s seat.   It was nice sitting watching the world go by .... and the ‘Chapel Green’ part of the world was busy, with plenty of people out for a stroll.

 The ironing has eventually been done, with most of it going into my suitcase .... ‘M’ and I are going up to Auchnagatt on Friday, to stay with Jackie, Iain, and the ‘troops’ for a week.    George came in for a cuppa in the afternoon;   he was out on his bike, and desperate for a decent cup o’ tea!     We caught up with each other’s “news”:   that didn’t take long.    Talking aboot oor ‘sair bits’, and the pills needed to counteract
Part of the Coastal path at Earlsferry
the ‘sair bits’, ... that did take longer.

I’m wondering if I ought to have done some tidying up for ‘M’ coming along tomorrow?    You know... a touch of a duster here and there.    Perhaps I should squirt my armpits with furniture polish that should create a sparkling impression.    The weather should be good for most of tomorrow, though I think the wind is going to be easterly;   not my favourite wind direction.

Photographs : Top – The beach this morning, Middle – Elie from Chapel Green, and Bottom – The coastal Path at Chapel green, Earlsferry.

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