On the bike again .....

13th August 2016 (Saturday) .... 08.00     I went out, on the bike, at 06.00 this morning and poodled my way round the villages;  but, oh my word .... the ‘Royal
Morning time at Elie Harbour
Burgh’ looks like an Arnold Clark forecourt this morning;   cars everywhere.    Not photogenic.    Having said that, it is good to see the old place ‘active’, because, all too soon, it will be near enough empty. 

 There was  an autumnal feel to the air at 06.00, but it should be warmer, once the sun is higher in the sky;  and, with a stiff North Westerly breeze, it will also be a good ‘drying day’.   I have a washing on the line.    

22.30     Some days are ‘good’ ... some are excellent; ‘today’ was of the excellent quality.    The weather was perfect for the washing drying, and for going out for a walk.     However, even though I was sorely tempted to go walking, I had ‘housewifely’ things to catch up with after my holiday up at Auchnagatt:  for some reason I felt ‘organised’ this morning .... not a feeling that comes over me often.   I was agitated by this, and decided to have a cuppa, and some relaxing time out in the Hutte, before doing the housewifely things.    This was not a good idea;   I ended up doing a couple of Soduko’s, before falling asleep.... and was sound asleep when Jimmy arrived to bring me ‘up to date’ with the local news .... and for his morning cuppa.  
A quiet corner of Earlsferry
Unfortunately Jimmy, who is my Top Secret roving reporter (hereafter ‘RR’), does the roving bit fine, but forgets any news he picks up on the way.    By the time Jimmy had pottered orf down to the sailing Club, it was lunch time.    I ate something... then did the housework.
About 14.00, I was sitting in the Hutte, thinking how hard it is being ‘me’... when my ‘RR’ turned up.    I instantly went into ‘agog’ mode.... but there was no ‘news’ flash;    Jimmy wanted to go to Leven to get a haircut.    We went to Leven, but the Hairdresser was busy, so, on the advice of the Hairdresser, we’re going back on Tuesday afternoon.     The most exciting ‘happening’ of the afternoon was me buying 240 “Yorkshire Tea” teabags in Sainsbury’s.... they were on some kind of an ‘offer’.  
Although it got quite dull in the evening I went for a braw walk, ....  along the beach,
The Fourth green this evening
‘roond the Chapel’ and home via the golf course.   It was quiet ... with only another couple of folks out walking.
I don’t have a ‘plan’ for tomorrow, but if the weather forecast is correct, it could be a nice day for gardening .... sunny spells, and dry.

Photographs : Top – the Harbour this morning, Middle – a quiet corner of the ‘Royal Burgh’, and Bottom – the fourth green.

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