Busy day .....

14th August 2016 (Sunday) .... 14.00     The sky might be overcast, but that hasn’t stopped lots of folk from going out and enjoying ‘Elie and Earlsferry:  men fishing down at  Apple Rock (Elie Harbour area), people messing about with boats on
Elie estate
the water....  out on bikes ....  or just walking (with or without dog).    The villages are ‘living’ .... and that’s the way I like them.    Oh .... I also like cars now;   cars don’t go away empty.     

My morning has been a busy one;  I’ve went out on the bike, and was down at the harbour when I heard the kirk bells ringing.... I immediately felt guilty ....  I’d neglected my gallery in the kirk yet again,...  but at least I knew it was Sunday.  Since then I have had a visit from Jimmy, quickly followed by Shona...and had  tea and “biccies” with both.    I have had a lovely morning chatting... and  had my share of tea!   Now I must ‘go’ .... ‘slight flap on’;   I want to do some gardening!

21.30      It will be hard to believe this but I did do a bit of gardening;   in fact I was
Elie Bay this evening
‘up tae the eyeballs in weeds’ when Jimmy turned up, in the afternoon, for a cuppa.    With Jimmy went orf home, I went back to the gardening;   there will be no one more surprised at this than I was .... however it didn’t last long.     The sun was beginning to break through the clouds, .... we had a lovely evening;  with hardly any wind ....  equals ‘reflections..... yes, it was time for some ‘beach therapy’.
With the tide being well out there was a big beach ... and a lot of folk came out to enjoy it... including some brave folk who went swimming.    As per usual I went down to the edge of the tide, and was well rewarded, with the exquisiteness of Elie and Earlsferry, on what was by now a perfect evening.    In ‘nae time’ I was in a ‘bubble’ of my own .... dreaming as ever.    All of a sudden, there appeared someone else with his camera;  out to capture the wonderful scene that we were ‘stood staunin’ in the middle of!    One
Enjoying Elie and Earlsferry 
of the many joys, of living in ‘Elie and Earlsferry’.  
The weather tomorrow is forecast to be brighter earlier, with a light wind ....  I shall get ‘up’, and be out early on the bike;   the tide is ‘out’ at 06.58 so a potter down among the rocks should be good.

Photographs : Top – The green of Elie Estate this morning, Middle – a ‘perfect’ ‘Elie and Earlsferry’ evening, and Bottom -  a family enjoying the ‘prefect’ evening!   

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