Autumnal morning ..... baking scones

20th August 2016 (Saturday) .... 08.00     Everything is wet after prolonged overnight rain, but it is ‘bright and sunny’ and  a nice morning for doing something ....  as long as it isn’t gardening.     I’m going to have breakfast before
Evening time
deciding what I want to do this morning;   baking scones is near the top of the list.    I could make some scones then Jimmy and I could have our own ‘CM’ in the Hutte.    Yes.....  I think that will be the ‘plan’.   But, right now I need food.

21.00     This has been a funny old day as far as the weather went;   we’ve had dry and wet spells most of the day, with the evening ending up the with sunny spells... the best part of the day for weather’.
I have kept busy most of the day .... starting with the scones for ‘our’ Hutte Coffee Morning which was crowded... the Hutte being nigh on full to capacity.... i.e. Jimmy and me.   We had warm scones with syrup of “Out of the strong came forth sweetness”
Re vamped golf course shelter
fame.    I had coffee and Jimmy had his Lemon tea.    Unfortunately there was a serious lack of gossip er news, but that was understandable;   Jimmy’s hearing aid was needing a new battery, so he didn’t hear anything of note.    He didn’t hear anything!    This didn’t stop me talking  ... ‘cos talking is what you do at Coffee Mornings.    Jimmy took out his I-pad, which is loaded with 10,000 photographs, ....  and we had a look at a few of those.

I spent the afternoon sorting out the photographs I’ve taken when ‘M’ and I have been ‘out’ ... all 1451 of them.    ‘M’ is not on all of those, but she is on a few!    I’ll miss ‘M’ being around, (and as my ‘model’), when she goes orf home in a couple of weeks!    Landscape scenes come ‘alive’ with someone in them.

With the rain clearing away in the evening I went for a walk up to The Boss’s seat ...
Golf course shelter
and was pleasantly surprised to find a posy of flowers alongside my rose.    My rose is not a lonely rose anymore.    “Thank You” to whoever left them ....  Maggie was a special person indeed.    From Chapel Green I took a meandering route across the golf course, back to Ivy.
According to the weather forecast we are going to have ‘bright and sunny’ for most of tomorrow.... and ‘agreeably’ warm’.    I might get up, and out, early.

Photographs : Top – the beach this evening, Middle and Bottom – the revamped shelter by the seventh and ninth fairways.

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