Syrup burger's are the best ......

27th April 2016 (Wednesday) .... 10.00     The wind, though still from the Northerly direction,  is only F2-3, and, being ‘bright and sunny’ we have a pleasantly warm morning.     Jimmy’s car has been delivered to St Monans, all he has to do now is
April shower clouds
wait for a phone call.   We took a meandering route back to Ivy... travelling up to Arncroach, Radernie, Peat Inn, New Gilston, and Upper Largo before finally heading  back to Ivy, and a cuppa in the Hutte.    I’ll bike some of this route in the summer so that I can stop and take photos.... can’t do that ‘comfortably’, on narrow country roads, when in a car.   Jimmy is now ensconced in “No 10”;  he’s not sure if he’ll be able for the ‘Colinsburgh Lunch’ at 12.30.      I’d better go and do some ‘work’ stuff now .... it’s a nice day for going things in the garden.
21.30     Jimmy wasn’t able for the ‘Colinsburgh Lunch’.... his legs are giving him a lot of pain so he opted to stay away.    That being the case I decided to bike up to Colinsburgh, another hard bike into the wind, going up, but a dawdle going back down to Ivy.     The lunch, I had Mushroom Soup and Rhubarb Crumble, was really
Largo Bay
wholesome and meant that I didn’t need to make anything for an evening meal.... much to “Puku’s” annoyance!
I have been gardening today and the ‘broon’ bucket is three quarters full ... however this ‘work’ made me feel much in need of a rest, so, what did I do? .... retired to the Hutte to do a Soduko.      I became really tired doing the Soduko .... and fell fast asleep.    On waking up, about ten minutes later, I was pleasantly surprised to see Sandy (Reid) outside.    Sandy leads, an active and interesting life;  which means an interesting conversation is always guaranteed.     Not only that, Sandy finds the ‘Hutte Finest’ very flavoursome , acceptable ... er “nae bad, with a touch of different”.    Actually, I have come to the conclusion that... “anything that cancels out the taste” of my coffee, is all it needs!    Basically, anything sweet does the trick:   “Forget beef burgers and aw the rest .... Syrup burgers are the best!” ..... or one or two Jaffa Cakes. 
What ‘plan’ do I have for tomorrow?     Hmmmm ... Jimmy’s car needs a wee bit o’
North Berwick Law
work done on it, so I’ll pick him up in the morning and we’ll go out somewhere in “Sooper Buggy”.    Hopefully his car will be back in action later tomorrow afternoon.
Photographs : Top – Shower clouds, Middle – ‘April Shower’ over Largo Bay this afternoon, and Bottom – Berwick Law at North Berwick.    This was the Southern end of the ‘Pilgrim’s Ferry’ route, established 800 years ago;   Earlsferry, being the other end.

PS.     I’m a tired ‘boy’ tonight... it must be the gardening!    What?   It could be the biking?     No ... it must be the gardening!

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