Anstruther West pier .....

18th April 2016 (Monday) .... 12.00     We have a typical ‘April’ day;   breezy with fluffy shower clouds;   a perfect day for doing things.... as long as you’re
Anstruther beach
sheltered from the wind.    I went along to Anstruther PO first thing, and then walked out to the Chalmers Lighthouse for some exercise.   It is windy out there, but not enough to stop a couple of blokes fishing off the end of the East pier... where  there’s absolutely no shelter, from a West wind .....  I was cold looking at them, and I was out of the wind behind the Chalmers light.    There’s a lot of boats, from working, to pleasure in Anstruther Harbour, but .... only one bloke was actually working, and he was on his boat:    I had the whole pier to myself.   I got back from Anstruther in time to get the kettle on for Jimmy’s morning cuppa:   which we had in the Hutte.   The temperature in there is 74f.    Very cosy.... verging on ‘the mauchless’.

19.30     The other day in Sainsbury’s I bought a tin of ‘Chicken Korma’;   today I
Anstruther harbour West pier
decided that I fancied the ‘korma’ for dinner ... and I’d have a drop of ‘fluffy rice’ to go with it.    Well, did I end up with ‘fluffy rice’?.... I most certainly did ...and then some!      I ended up with enough ‘fluffy rice’ to feed a regiment.... just a small regiment!   The recipe said one cup of rice to one and a half cups of water.... when I went back to read the recipe (after making the rice) I discovered that this measure was for, four people;   or, ‘myself’, plus “Blob” and his multitude of friends.   In future I’ll stick to ‘pudding rice’ .... I know what I’m doing with that.    That said, it did make a braw dinner,.....  “Puku” is well satisfied.   
22.00     This has been a canny sort of day for me .... I’ve done bits and pieces’ around Ivy, but nothing exciting.    I did think of getting the bike out but decided it was too
Anstruther 'bouy'
windy:   that’s one thing about a new hip... you are always thinking ... “oh I’d better not ‘pop’ the new hip!” .... even though my muscles will be holding everything well in place by now.   
I have been doing “Brenda’s Christian Aid Quiz” which is good for the auld brain ....  I’ve managed to get ‘Elie and Earlsferry’ as one of the answers  .... also ‘The Five Comedy’s of Aristophanes’, so I’m rattlin’ through them.... well, I’ve rattled though two of them!

Photographs : Top – Anstruther beach, Middle – the West pier at Anstruther harbour, and Bottom – Anstruther harbour.

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