First Swallows ....

12th April 2016 (Tuesday)  ..... Although there’s a brisk East wind this morning, it didn’t feel cold when I was out;  having said that,  I was wearing my ‘polar bear’ jacket etc. and that keeps me warm.    It’s a grey morning, and dry just now: 
Elie Bay
   but there will most likely be rain/drizzle, being blown in from the North Sea, at some point today.   Having loads to occupy me in Ivy, I’ll stay ‘in’ for most of the day.    I had a good, long walk, this morning;   the beach, Chapel Green, golf course, then home by the beach.... which is a healthy amount of exercise;   ‘healthy’ i.e., apart from the East wind.    Another walk, in the evening, weather permitting, will keep me happy.
22.00      I didn’t take my evening walk, mostly because the weather wasn’t amenable, but also ....  Jimmy and Jim came along to Ivy for our weekly ‘boys’ night;   drinking tea and talking ‘boys stuff’ ......  er, world affairs. 
 I forgot to mention this morning that;   when I got down to the beach, I saw my first Swallows of the year... this is “iggzactly” a week after I saw my first House Martin.   
Sixth green 
Up until last year my first sightings of either, were around St George’s Day, the 23rd, but last year both Swallows and House Martins were early .... as were the Swifts:   the Swifts are the last to arrive .... and the first to leave.   For me the Swifts are the birds of Summer;   regrettably they are only here for about fourteen weeks.... and there’s fewer of them.  
 Jimmy has got a phone with a ‘tracker’ app in it so that he can check how far he is walking;   we have been trying it out on one of his walks up towards Elie House.    With everything new it takes a wee bit time to get the ‘hang’ of, but it’s doing the tracking job fine.    It’s getting to the tracking app, and switching it to ‘on’ mode that’s the tricky bit.... but that will come.    It wasn’t the best afternoon for trying this out .... we had light rain at times..... but both trackers (Jimmy’s and mine) came up with the same
Elie Estate
distance so they’re either, both right ... or both wrong!    Being as they work off the GPS they’re both right.
Tomorrow is “Friendship Lunch” day in the Kirk Hall.    Jimmy and I are going along to the Windmill, immediately after ‘lunch’ to visit Chris, but I’ll er we’ll have plenty o’ time to chatter!    The weather forecast for tomorrow is, ‘more of the same’.... with the wind being easterly ,or north easterly it will feel cold.

Photographs : Top – Elie Bay, Middle – the sixth green flag,  and, Bottom – even the trees around Elie are especial;   this one, on Elie Estate, looks like it’s being ‘knitted’.... it could only happen at Elie!   How did it get to this shape?

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