Stimulating day .....

7th April 2016 (Thursday) ....  I have been round the ‘beach/Chapel Green’ walk, on what is a ‘nice’ morning;   there’s a ‘nip’ in the air, but it’s not as windy as yesterday, so the wind chill factor is lower .... it’s pleasant for walking.    The sunrise (06.21) was disappointing, being hidden by low clouds ....  but I enjoyed the walk:   I only met two dog walkers ‘roond the Chapel’ this morning... perhaps it was just a wee
Elie this morning
bit too early for joggers.     The beach was empty both going ‘out’ and coming ‘in’;   I was surprised by this.
I’m feeling in ‘work’ mode today, but I’m sure I’ll be able to shake that orf and find something more enjoyable to do.    No ... I am going to get the ‘broon’ bucket filled up so it will be garden tidying this morning.
20.30     Some days are good, some are even better than ‘good’;   ‘today’, for me, was stimulating.   I managed to near enough fill the ‘broon’ bucket, which gave me a satisfied feeling, and got me fired up to get the bike out.... I would bike along to the Drop in Cafe in the afternoon!
One  other ‘job’ I did in the morning, was hang out a washing.... it was ‘bright and sunny’ by this time ....which banished any thoughts of April Showers to some soporific corner of my brain.    By this time Jimmy had ‘come and gone’ and I was feeling peckish:   I ate.
Immediately after lunch I took a cuppa out to the Hutte to do a Soduko... and fell asleep.    Awaking from this short siesta, I felt really fresh and frolicsome;  well ready for doing a wee bit biking.    The ‘Drop in Cafe’ was quiet to begin with, but filled up steadily, and was soon humming like a beehive... only louder!    There were Christmas 
Mature sycamore on Elie Estate
crackers on the tables... this encouraged much conversation.    When I think of it I must have sat blethering for over an hour, because it was after 15.30 when I left the ‘Cafe’, too bike through Elie estate on my way home to Ivy.
The shower began, gently, as I was passing Elie House, lulling me into thinking “this isnae going to come to much”.    It did (come to much)...  and continued increasing in intensity until I stopped to take shelter under a tree, from where I took some pictures of the loch.... and from where I could see the extent, and hear the ferocity, of the deluge that I was by now ‘stood staunin’ in, albeit under a tree.   About five minutes later it slightly slackened orf, and I made the decision to continue on my merry way back to Ivy where I’d have a ‘hot shower’.   I must be a crazy auld coot ... I actually enjoyed ‘biking in the rain’!    The heaviest bit of the shower had passed over, and I was biking through, what was, by this time, ‘normal rain’..... and, the only parts of me actually
Kilconquhar Loch
wet, were the fronts of my ‘delicate’ legs.                                                                         (Note to me;  I must remember to check if there are any April Showers threatening before I set orf biking in future).   
‘The Boy’, (that’s “me”) has had a happy, and stimulating day.   The washing?   The washing is still on the line, and will be there all night, because it’s going to be a bonnie day tomorrow ....  April Showers are now regarded as an extra rinse... or two.

Photographs : Top – Elie this morning, Middle – a mature tree (sycamore) on Elie estate.    Note a ‘new’ tree growing out of the bottom branch on the left...and  Bottom – Kinneuchar loch after the worst of the shower had passed over.

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