Grey day ......

15th April 2016 (Friday)      09.00    Our weather is mixed up right enough;   yesterday we had a bonnie sunny day, today it’s overcast, but dry.    Having said that, if every second day was sunny, I wouldn’t complain..... half the year would be
‘Nae plan’ this morning apart from go for a walk, and tidy up some of the garden.   The bowling green ‘opens’ tomorrow.... at least I’ll be able to get down to deliver the bowl this year;    the only problem are my hands , which are ‘bothered’ with arthritis.    This is not ‘handy’ ... especially when bowling!  
22.00    Myra, Jim and I went to Harbour House for morning coffee.... this was after we’d been at the bowling green to play four ‘ends’ to see if we could actually deliver a bowl!.    I’m not sure how my hand will cope, but I did get the bowls ‘up’ the green, though not very accurately.    We’ll make our minds up tomorrow.    Ian and Joyce, joined Myra and Jim, in Harbour House  so I left them chatting.... and set orf walking, thinking that Jimmy would be ready for his morning cuppa at Ivy.    I met Jimmy coming from The
Elie this afternoon
Ferry (in his car):   so I jumped into the car, and we went back to Ivy for the aforementioned cuppa.
The weather turned wet after lunch;  upsetting my ‘plan’ to walk out to west Bay.    Instead I booked ‘Sooper Buggy’ in for ‘her’ MOT (Thursday), then ‘fired her up’ and went along to Leven to get some messages ... a good way to pass a wet afternoon.    Although he weather has been of the dull, and wet at times, kind, we have had a lovely evening, which suggests we might have nice weather, ‘bright, sunny and cool’ tomorrow.    The wind is from the north, hence the ‘cool’.
I’ve been checking the BGS (British Geological Survey) website to find out about UK
Sunset time at Earlsferry
earthquake activity.    There’s plenty of it (earthquake activity), though most of it is in the ‘weak’ category:  we had a 1.7 (weak) one in the Solway Firth area on Wednesday,....  which would pass unnoticed, by folks ‘stood staunin’ on the epicentre!
We have a Coffee Morning tomorrow in the Church Hall at 10.00 .... I must remember to phone Jimmy and remind him.

Photographs : Top – taken from the picnic seat at the bottom of Ferry Wynd,  Middle – Elie beach this afternoon, and Bottom – the Ferry beach at sunset time.

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