Gorgeous day .....

14th April 2016 (Thursday) .....10.30    It’s a lovely morning for a walk... “bright and sunny” though it’s beginning to cloud over now.    I went out to West Bay, then home via “The Boss’s Seat” and the beach ... a distance of  2.9 kilometres (1.8 mile);  unusually, for me, I had my breakfast before I went out... and was therefore
Dome Park Earlsferry
sluggish for the first kilometre.   Not clever.
This afternoon we have the ‘Drop in Cafe’ so any work I intend doing had better be done in the morning.... which reminds me I’ll put a ‘washing ‘on’ ... it’s supposed to be dry, all day.    Happily the ‘overcast’ bit has drifted  somewhere else.
21.30     What a gorgeous day this has been ....  I might even have caught a touch of the sunburn thing.... having spent a lot of the ‘day’ outside, either walking, biking or pottering around in the garden.
‘Work’ in the morning consisted of doing a washing, and a wee bit garden tidying.    A
The Dome Park entrance
fter Jimmy and I had our morning cuppa, we went up to Chapel Green to try out the Endomondo tracker app that Ian had downloaded into Jimmy’s i-pad.    Unfortunately it didn’t manage to connect onto the GPS satellites so couldn’t measure the distance walked.... which was the whole point of the exercise.    This was strange because my i-phone connected to the satellites fine:   must be a different kind of aerial.
In the afternoon I biked along to the ‘Drop in Cafe’, for our weekly catch up with what’s going on in the four villages, and surrounding area.    The total amount of Top Secret information received = zero.    I was disappointed by this.   I mean ‘something’ must have happened during the past week?   There is a small (only tiny small) rumour, circumnavigating Kinneuchar... and Barnyards, ... that someone in the village had  planted  Golden Wonder seed
Jimmy with i-pad on Alice's seat
potatoes!    Let’s suppose that  this event actually happened;    we would then be able to follow the progress of the Golden Wonders with weekly updates.    Finally, now that we’re on the subject, there is absolutely nae truth in another rumour ....  that the Golden Wonders are being protected by two “Rottenvilers”.... I think that might be supposed to be Rottweiler's!
I’ve had a really enjoyable day .... ‘bright and sunny’ makes a huge difference to how a person feels, even though the wind is still from the nasty direction.

Photographs : Top – the ‘Dome (Doom?) Park, Earlsferry, Middle – the Dome Park entrance, and Bottom – the man himself, Jimmy, ensconced on “Alice’s Seat”;   doing ‘stuff’ on his i-pad.

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