Heavy Sleet showers day ......

26th April 2016 (Tuesday) ... 08.30    I haven’t been further than the front gate this morning so far, but that was far enough to find out that there’s a cold Northerly wind, and that April Shower clouds cover the sun at very regular
Elie Harbour
intervals.     The Banchory -Fettercairn (Cairn o’ Mount) is blocked because of snow, and the snow gates are closed on the Glenshee road.... yes, there is definitely a wintry feel to the air this morning.     I’ll get the bike out and go along for the paper, after breakfast, and a ‘cuppa’;   I’m feeling nearly ‘frisky’ this morning;  however, some of the clouds I see scuttling south are beginning to have a ‘serious shower’ look about them.... this may cramp my ‘friskiness’ a bit!
22.30     This morning, feeling on the frisky side of excitable, I got the bike out and went along for the paper;   on the way I diverted into South Street, and ended up down at the harbour, and, having ‘broken the law’ by biking along a one way street the wrong way, I doubt if I shall be able to sleep at all well, tonight.     Anyway ... where was I?... oh yes the harbour:   where I wanted to get some photos of the threatening clouds from the beach.    Of course as was almost bound to happen, the threatening clouds came in faster than I could leave the beach so I had to take shelter, in the lee of a boat for about ten minutes, from a heavy sleet shower.    From there I escaped up to
the sheltered side of the Sailing Club, where I sheltered for another five minutes before biking up to Jimmy’s for a ‘well earned’ cuppa.... with a damp butt because I forgot to dry the bike seat!
On the way home from Jimmy’s I did remember to go into the “Paper Shop” for the paper, and milk.    I wasn’t long home before the doorbell rang, heralding the arrival of Jimmy looking for a cuppa;   we spent the remainder of the morning blethering, and watching the television.    It was after Jimmy had gone orf home that I found that I had a ‘missed call’ on the phone:   “my vehicle was ready to pick up!”    I had a quick lunch then poodled along to Elie to catch the 14.14,  “95” bus to Leven.    From Leven up to the garage is a distance of 1.25 kilometres;  1.1. of that distance being uphill.   The sun chose to shine on me the whole way up, and
Elie Harbour
it was warm ... the most pleasant part of the day, as far as the weather, went for me today, though I’m sure that hill is getting steeper.    Anyway “Sooper Buggy” is back at Ivy gate, very clean, ‘cos we got caught in a really heavy sleet shower on the way home from Leven.
Jimmy’s car is going to St Monans for its MOT tomorrow.    I will bring Jimmy home, from St Monans, after he leaves the car, then we’ll ‘do’ the Colinsburgh Lunch, and go back to pick up his car later in the afternoon.    In between I’ll have to get the bike out for some exercise .... weather permitting of course.    Tomorrow’s weather is forecast to be much the same as today.

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour, Middle – Earlsferry , and bottom – Elie Harbour.     

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