Opening of theBowling green at Elie .....

16th April 2016 (Saturday)     09.00  .... after an early morning frost, we have, ‘wall to wall’ blue sky this morning, .... a lovely day for walking, biking..... or  ‘working’.     I’m going to bike along to the Coffee Morning;  I’ll then come home
Elie Harbour
through the estate for a wee bit of exercise:    the afternoon will be taken up with bowling.     Hey, this day has the makings of a ‘play’ day for me:   if there’s any ‘work’ going to be done, it will have to be in the evening.  
20.30     I never did get any ‘work’ done today;   it has been a ‘play’ day, and I have enjoyed it.   Having said that... I am feeling choked up with some kind o’ cold;  this curbed my excitement a little .... but not much!    I’ll have a ‘Janice Toddie’ at bedtime, that will sort any cold germs out.   This will have been brought on by the cold weather, and wind direction, we’ve had over the past  week or so.
Elie Bowling Club
We had an excellent Coffee Morning, with loads o’ coffee/tea and goodies to eat.   A lot people put a lot of effort into our Coffee Morning’s:   happily their efforts are not in vain;  they  must have been pleased with the turnout today, and the fact, that there must have been a good sum of money raised for the ‘Heart Foundation’ charity.    Jimmy went down to the Sailing Club after the CM... I went home to Ivy to take a couple of Paracetemol, and have lunch.
Most of the afternoon was spent at the Bowling Club;  unfortunately I was too late to take part in a team, but I did practice on my own.    I’d say that I am quite expert at setting the mat, and placing the ‘jack’.... not so good at the actual bowling.    I was playing with 00 size bowls and I think they were
Kirstin delivering the first jack of the season
just too light for me;  my main weakness was that I kept putting the bowls beyond the ‘jack’.    I’m not sure about bowling this year .... I think I’ll need to have another ‘practice’ before I make up my mind.   Before I started to ‘play’ I set the ‘tracker’ going, and was surprised to find that I’d walked ‘iggzactly’ one kilometre.    I didn’t stay for the cuppa;   there were too many bonnie clouds around so I went back to Ivy, had a cuppa, then went down to the beach.
We’ve been very lucky today .... we never really got hit by one of the many heavy hail showers that have been around most of the afternoon, though we did get a smattering of hail a couple of times.   Not enough to stop the bowls.
There were some bonnie clouds when I was down on the beach .... and some of them were even daring to threaten the ‘Royal Burgh’.   However they passed over, heading for Berwick on Tweed and point south!
Tomorrow is forecast to be much as today, bright and cold .... but the wind is going to be Westerly.     I’m not going to make a ‘plan’ for tomorrow... I’ll see how I feel in the morning.

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour this morning, Next – Elie Bowlers at the opening of their green, Next – Christine send the first ‘jack’ of the season on its way, and, Bottom – Elie Bay late in the afternoon.

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