Especial sunrise at Elie .....

1st April 2016 (Friday) ...12.00    Jings .... ‘The Boy’ (that’s ‘me’) has had a busy morning, and it began  at 05.30, when the ‘Troops’, Emily and John, set orf to rendezvous with Mum, ‘Jennifah’ at Dalgety Bay, before both cars set of for;   Edinburgh Airport ,followed by breakfast at a Cafe/Restaurant in Biggar, then onward
Sunrise at Elie
to Cumbria.     Jenny will say ‘cheerio’ to Emily and John in Cumbria, then continue, on her own, all the way down to ‘Sunny Sussex’.   The sun will be well out in Sussex .... they are forecast to get 18c, whilst, in Bonnie Scotland we are forecast to get 8c.  

Immediately after Em and John set off, I showered, flung on some claes, and went down to the beach to get the sunrise.     It wisnae “iggzactly” warm down there.... there’s a brisk southerly wind, but the sky more than made up for the temperature;  the sky being bright red ....   I got the feeling that we might be in for  some rain at times.    And we have had rain, but nothing to get excited about.     Oh .... the drain at the bottom of Ferry Wynd has been cleared, and the sewage washed away;  presumably down the cleared drain.

I got back to Ivy, had breakfast, then decided to go to Leven for a quick shop, because
Elie beach this afternoon
Iain and Martin, are coming down for the weekend, to set me up with a new desktop computer.     This will allow me to work on my photographs, and use the two monitors to do so, in comfort.    The laptop is fine but the screen is a bit small.

About 20 Minutes after I got back from the Leven jaunt, Jimmy appeared, desperate for his morning cuppa, after his visit to “Alice’s Seat”.     Tea, and millionaires shortbread in hand, I eagerly waited for Jimmy to divulge the loads of  ‘news’ he’d picked up at the Drop In Cafe yesterday:  but I waited in vain.    A ‘Top Secret Spy’, who is hard of hearing, and tends to forget all things ‘secret’, is not “iggzactly” ideal when it comes to the gathering of information:   I waited in vain!    Obviously I shall have to attend the ‘Drop In Cafe’, every week, to collect information from Colinsburgh and Kinneuchar, the further reaches of  the EKC Parish.     The millionaires shortbread was excellent .... “Puku” was happy!

21.30     Iain arrived, and my ‘new’ computer is in the process of updating itself:   it
Earlsferry beach this afternoon.
will be far better for ‘working’, especially with the two monitors being linked ... more or less one big monitor.    

 I’ll be in bed early tonight, having had along, and fairly busy day....  I might even have a ‘sleep in’ tomorrow morning;  unless it looks like there’s going to be a nice sunrise.    I’ll check the weather forecast before I go to bed.

Photographs : Top – sunrise from  Elie beach this morning, Middle – Elie beach, and Bottom -  The Ferry beach, this afternoon.

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