dandelion .....

20th April 2016 (Wednesday)   09.30 ..... “Happy Birthday dear Jackie,  happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu!” xx     Jackie will have a lovely ... er ...22, and a bit, birthday today, and be spoiled tae bits .... I gave the ‘happy birthday’
Elie Harbour beach
song ‘laldie’, in the shower this morning.
We have another gorgeous day at ‘The Centre of the Universe’ .... another day for doing things.    I’ve been down to the harbour in Sooper Buggy, and, although my muscles are slightly stiff after polishing the car yesterday, I intend doing some gardening after breakfast.    I might go out on the bike after lunch... depends on how keen I am on the gardening.
22.00     My muscles are not enjoying this lovely weather;  they are being asked to do stuff that they haven’t had to do for a while .... unfortunately for them, I’m enjoying being back to normal’ regarding doing things again.    Today I seriously pruned a tree that needed the loppers;  this was a job that was sair on the arms.... however the tree has been ‘well, and truly’ lopped, and I am happy.     I’ll be ready for my bed tonight.
The temperature in Ivy garden reached 15c this afternoon;   and 26c in the Hutte (with the door open).    I continued with the garden work, until the ‘broon’ bucket was full, then had a cuppa in the very warm Hutte, before getting the bike out to go for the ‘Elie Estate run’ .... a quiet way to end what has been a productive day.
Ivy Cottage Tulip
omorrow I have to take Sooper Buggy to Leven for the MOT ;   I’ll get a haircut when I’m in Leven, have a cuppa in Stuart’s,  by which time the garage will have phoned me to tell me what the ‘state of play’ is;  and if there is any remedial work needing to be done.    I was reading an article about HM The Queen, and how she manages ‘stress’.   One ‘stress’ she doesn’t have is worrying about ‘the Royal’ car passing its MOT that’s for sure!    That said, HM must get ‘stressed’ about ‘Family’ things, like everyone else,.....  but general ‘daily worries’ stress she won’t know about.    Another thing .... HM doesn’t eat tauties ...er potatoes, nor pasta at ‘dinner’, as part of a healthy diet.    That’s it ... nae tauties for ‘the Boy’ from now on!
Tomorrow is the ‘Drop in Cafe’... and I hope to be home (from Leven) in time to have my blether er coffee and quietly listen to the background chatter.

Photographs : Top – Elie Harbour beach this morning, Middle – tulip that should
taraxacum officinale
‘open’ tomorrow, and Bottom – beautiful native flower, one or two of which can be seen in Ivy garden... which is a big bit o’ luck;  because .... The dandelion plant is a beneficial plant to the gardener.... si Ivy garden is a healthy, garden with loads of happy Dandelion ... er "taraxacum officinale" ... flowers.

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